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3rd person pov:


Both of them looked up to see a girl with a smile plastered in her face.

But that smile got replaced by a look of disgust once the girl saw y/n.

Jungkook was a little shocked to see her alone right in front of there table with a ton full of make up, not like before, almost like if she was searching for him to show off how "pretty" she tried to look for him.

Jungkook:"oh hello sol. " he said gently and kindly to the girl.

Sol:"hi Jungkook, didn't know you were gonna be here." She lied With a flirty smile and a different voice that was trying to sound seductive but failed.

That's when y/n remembered.

'what about that other fanfiction about a ex-girlfriend ,or childhood friend or someone from school or other. I am supposedly be jealous of....' y/n thought not being impressed that the girl that she is suppose to be jealous of looks like a rat.

Jungkook was not enjoying the talk because she looked awful and she got closer and closer to him.

The waiter then came back with the food they ordered.

Waiter:"here is the food , if you need anything else you can call me." he said ending it with a wink at y/n.

Sol:"ohh you ordered already? I'm slight hungry , can you share with me oppa?" she said putting on puppy eyes that looked like her eyes were about to pop out instead.

Jungkook cringed as she called him oppa, which he tells the girls he plays to not call him that ,yet some do.


The girl quickly pulled out a chair from a other table of two.

She sat as close as She can to Jungkook.

Jungkook moving a little away.

He looked at y/n with pleading eyes as she watched the disturbing scene that made her lose her abitite.


Sol:"it's sol" she said finally paying attention to y/n.

Y/n:"Whatever your name is , Jungkook is ..... Married so do you mind to back off." Y/n said with a bored look on her face.

Sol:" then where is his wife? Oh, and his ring?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

Y/n:"his ring is being cleaned." she said being quick with the answer.

Sol clicked the inside of her cheek as she looked at y/n with daring eyes ,But sol put on her smirk right back on.

Sol:"and the wife?" she said raising a eyebrow with a smirk.

Y/n stayed silent for a couple of seconds.

Jungkook:"she is My wife." he said now with a smirk.

Y/n widened her eyes a little but sol didnt notice since she was looking at Jungkook with a frown.

Jungkook:"right baby"

Y/n froze at the name he called her with a hint of blush.

Sol looked at y/n for a answer.

Y/n quickly snapped at of being frozen and hesitantly nodded.

Sol with a frown got up grabbed her purse and walked out of the door trying to look sexy.

But she fell.

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