Teach me how to love

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Word count: 670
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"(Y/N) where are we going?" Alec said as he followed you. "Hush. You will see." You said as you dragged the teenage vampire away from the library and towards the garden. Alec had just returned from yet another mission and had made his escape to the library once more. You had grown tired of his behaviour. He claimed the two of you were mates and in a relationship, yet he clearly had no idea what it meant. So you decided to show him what it meant, starting with a date in the gardens of the castle.

"A picnic? Really (Y/N)?" he asked as he saw what you had set up. It was quite a simple picnic. Just some drinks and snacks, mostly for you as you were the only one around still able to eat human food, but you had managed to grab a blood bag for Alec from the secret stash the Volturi kept around. In all honesty, it had been Jane who showed you this. She wasn't necessarily fond of you, but she knew that having a mate was an important occurrence in a vampires life.
"Oh hush you. You know you like it." You said as you dragged the vampire along, or at least pretended to drag him along. Your human strength could never match his, so you knew he was following you on his own free will, or at least he didn't want to hurt your feelings by not obliging.
You sat down on the blanket and started to unpack the drinks and snacks from the basket. Alec took a seat opposite of you and watched you intensely, following your every move with his burgundy eyes. You smirked a little once you grabbed the blood bag and threw it his way, his eyes growing wide in response.
"Do I even want to know how you managed to get this?" he said before opening the bag and taking a sip.
"Nope. It is my little secret." You said before taking a sip of your drink, the small smirk still displayed around your lips.
"May I ask the reason for this set up?" he asked after a few minutes of silence. A soft summer breeze was playing around with your hair as you looked up at him.
"No reason at all. I just figured since we are a couple, we should go on a date for once." You answered as you took the final sip of your drink. Alec nodded as he finished his blood bag, dropping the contains back in the basket.
"Are there any other things we should be doing as a couple?" he asked, innocence falling off his face. A small giggle escaped your throat. The man sitting in front of you was far from innocent, apart from this department.
"I know a thing or two." You said, your voice dropping slightly, making it sound more seductive. Alec raised an eyebrow in confusion, but kept his mouth shut in anticipation. You moved towards him, slowly straddling his waist. Alec bit his lip and slowly placed his hands on your hips, not sure what to do. You placed your hands on his shoulders, which felt hard and strong underneath your grip. You looked into his eyes, asking for permission. Alec wasn't sure what he was giving permission to, but he accepted almost everything you wanted to do with him right now. His mind was almost cloudy, his nose was filled with your scent and he wanted to keep you even closer to his body. You slowly leaned down and placed your warm lips on his cold ones. You didn't move as you felt the vampire underneath you freeze slightly.
Soon this paralyzed stated melted away and a playful growl escaped his throat as he attacked your mouth with soft and sweet kisses. You smiled slightly and answered every last one of them. The two of you spend the rest of the evening kissing and cuddling, and you finally felt like real mates, meant to be together.

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