The little sister

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Word count: 2084

"No, you are not coming (y/n) and that is final!" Your older brother Jacob said. "Why not?! Just because I cannot turn into a wolf does not mean I cannot defend myself! I can even take on Paul whenever he is in one of his moods!" You argued. Even though you had the heightened sense, strength and speed you could not actually turn into a wolf. But you sure as hell could beat a vampire's ass if you had too. "I said no! You are my little sister, imagine what Rachel and Rebecca would say if you were killed and they found out it was me who let you fight?" Jacob said, running his hands through his hair, getting more and more frustrated by the minute. "At least I would have died fighting for what I believe in! And not sit at home like a coward! Renesmee is your imprint, meaning she is family. And I will protect my family!" you said growing frustrated yourself. "Fine! But you will stay in the back. And only fight if you absolutely have too." Jacob said, throwing his hand up in frustration and defeat. You smiled, proud of yourself that you stood up to your own brother.

Every vampire and shapeshifter was in the large open field. You were standing in the back along with your pack, protected by both Leah and Seth, slightly blocking your view. You felt slightly nervous as to what might happen. It was quiet for what felt like a long time, while in reality it might have been just a mere 30 minutes. Suddenly the nomad vampire Garrett was slightly jumping up and down in excitement. "The redcoats are coming! The redcoats are coming!" You took a deep breath, filling your lungs with fresh air as you saw the Volturi making their way onto the field. The oldest vampire with dark brown hair and milky red eyes looked over the crowd in front of him. The vampires made a halt and removed their hoods, showing their angelic faces and blood red eyes.
Carlisle took a few steps forward, away from Esme. "Aro, let us discuss things as we used too. In a civilized manner." Carlisle's voice was calm and polite. The dark haired vampire had a small smile on his face as he replied. "Fair words Carlisle. But a little out of place given the battalion you have assembled against us." the man's voice was soft and smooth. As if he had done confrontations like this before. "I can promise you, that was never my intent." Carlisle replied. Aro looked at Bella and Renesmee. "No laws have been broken." Carlisle continued. You slightly stepped aside to have a better look at your foes.
"We see the child. Do not treat us as fools." a blond vampire male said. He was standing next to Aro and he had a bitter look on his face. Like a man who was out for revenge. "She is not an immortal! These witnesses can attest to that." Carlisle replied, raising his voice slightly so every vampire and shapeshifter on the field could hear him. "You can look. See the flush of human blood on her cheeks." "Artifice!" the blond vampire replied, not believing a thing Carlisle was saying. You stepped away a little bit more from your pack, earning you a small growl from Leah. You were intrigued by these vampires, but disgusted at the same time. After all, they were murderers.
Aro held up his hand towards the blond vampire. "I will collect every facet of the truth, from someone more central to the story. Edward. As the child clings to your newborn mate, I will ask you." Aro said as he held out his hand. Edward slowly made his way towards Aro while every vampire watched him.
The wind changed slightly and a delicious smell hit your nose. It was a vampire, you knew for sure, but normally vampires do not smell so tempting. So luring. You had to find out whom smelled so incredibly good. You let your eyes wonder down the vampires, but you didn't dare to go any further away from your pack than you already where. Instead, you concentrated back onto Aro and Edward.
Aro grabbed Edwards hand and started to read his thoughts. A creepy smile slowly formed on Aro's lips. "I'd like to meet her." he told Edward, looking at Renesmee. Edward looked back to his wife and daughter. Bella nodded at Renesmee assumingly and started to make their way towards Aro, Jacob the werewolf close behind them. Emmett followed too, making sure Renesmee had enough protection. "Ah. Young Bella." Aro said, looking at Bella. "Immortality becomes you." his smile never leaving his face. Aro suddenly laughed and pointed at Renesmee. His laugh was that of a crazy person. "I can hear her strange heart." Aro held out his hand for Rensemee as she slowly made her way towards him. "Hello Aro." Renesmee said politely. Renesmee gently placed her hand on Aro's cheek and Aro seemed amazed by her talent. "Magnifico." he said before pulling away. Bella quickly pulled Renesmee back to her arms safely. "Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn, while she was still human." he continued, speaking mostly to the Volturi. "Impossible!" the blond vampire replied. "Do you think they fooled me brother?" Aro asked the blond vampire.
"Bring out the informer." the blond vampire said, his voice cold. You knew he was out for death. He seemed to be the one of the three to be the most merciless. A blond female vampire with gold eyes was brought towards him. The blond vampire pointed at Renesmee. "Is that the child you saw?" The female looked at Renesmee and looked down. "I-I am not sure." she replied. "Jane." the male said. A lot of vampires around you tensed up. You couldn't quite understand why. Clearly you should have done more research to this coven, but then again, you couldn't care less. "She has changed." the female quickly continued. "This child is bigger." "Then your accusations where false." the male still spoke with that icy voice. "The Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake." the female vampire said. She turned to look at the group. "I am sorry." she whispered slightly.
Suddenly a torch was lit and the tension rose. "Caius no!" Edward yelled at the blond vampire. The female got her arms ripped and head ripped off by two Volturi vampires while Caius set her body on fire, an evil smirk plastered on his porcelain face. Tanya and Kate let out a scream of pain and tried to get to Caius, but they were held back by the allies. "Blind them." Edward told Zafrina. Zafrina quickly blinded them and Edward tried to reason with the sisters. The sisters calmed down quickly. Leah and Seth took a step forward, finally giving you the chance to take a good look at the Volturi. That is when it happened. Your eyes fell upon a young man, no older than 17. His burgundy eyes found your (y/e/c) eyes. A heat flooded through you, stronger than before, but it was a new kind of heat - not a burning. It was a glowing. Everything inside you came undone as you stared at the handsome porcelain face of the vampire. All the lines that held you to your life were sliced apart in swift cuts, like clipping the strings to a bunch of balloons. Everything that made you who you were - your love for your brother, your love for your father, your loyalty to your pack, the love for your other brothers, your hatred for your enemies, your home, your name, your self - disconnected from you in that second - snip, snip, snip - and floated up into space. You were not left drifting. A new string held you where you were. Not one string, but a million. Not strings, but steel cables. A million steel cables all tying you to one thing - to the very centre of the universe. You could see that now - how the universe swirled around this one point. You had never seen the symmetry of the universe before, but now it was plain. The gravity of the earth no longer tied you to the place where you stood. It was the vampire in the dark grey cloak, hair brown and pale so white as death itself.

"Ah, Alice." Aro suddenly said. The ally group turned around and saw Alice and Jasper make their way towards Aro. She held out her hand to Aro and he gladly took it. Clearly what he saw scared him. Your gaze never once fell from the boy, even though you had no idea what his name might be, he had captured your full and undivided attention. And you knew, you would protect him if needed too. "That is what your future holds, if you do not change your course." Alice said, removing her hand from Aro's. "We cannot alter our course. The child still poses a great threat." Caius said to Aro. "And what if you can be assured that she can be concealed from the human world? Could we leave in peace?" Edward asked. "Of course, but that cannot be known." Caius replied. "Actually it can." Edward replied and with that a male and female vampire made their way onto the field.

"I have been searching for witnesses on my own." Alice said. "Among the Tacuna tribes of Brazil." "We have enough witnesses-" Caius wanted to say but was cut off by Aro. "Let him speak, brother." "I am half human, half vampire. Like the child." the male vampire started. "A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My aunt Huilen raised me as her own. I made her immortal." "How old are you?" Bella asked, interrupting his story. "150 years." the man replied. "At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro asked intrigued. "I became full grown, seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then." the male replied. "And your diet?" Aro asked. "Blood. Human food. I can survive on either." "These children are much like us." The, what you assumed, third brother spoke in amazement. "Regardless, the Cullens have been consulting with werewolves. Our natural enemies!" Caius spoke. Aro put a hand on his brother's shoulder and turned to his coven. "Dear ones. There is no danger here. We will not fight, today." Aro spoke. all the allies relaxed. All of them except one. You felt slightly relaxed that there would be no fight, but your imprint was too far away from you, still in line of danger in your eyes. Even though the two of you had never broken eye contact, a young blond girl who looked similar to him nudged his shoulder, forcing him to break eye contact. You frowned as he turned around and not giving you a second glance.

You sighed and made your way away from all the happy vampires. You ran through the forest and towards the cliff. You needed a moment alone, to think. A vampire was your imprint yet he just walked away like nothing happened. You felt yourself shake slightly with anger and fear. Why? Why him? Why a bloody bloodsucker. You were standing on the edge of the cliff, ready to jump when two strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist and pulled you pack against a tree. "Are you insane?!" an angelic voice spoke. You opened your eyes and looked into the burgundy red ones of your imprint. "Do you want to die or something?!" he asked again as he held you close to his cold body. "It's a sport around here. I wasn't planning on killing myself." You said as you tried to straighten up a bit. The boy sighed and took a small step back, holding onto your hand. He shook his head. "I already know you are going to be the death of me, my little mate." He whispered but your heightened hearing caught his words perfectly. "And you will be the death of me. So at least make our time on this Earth worth our while then." You said feeling slightly bold. The vampire chuckled and took you back in his arms, his lips merely a few inches away. "Agreed, amore mio." He whispered before sealing his promise by pressing his ice-cold lips against your own hot lips.

Requested by:  @SanAndreasMakaylen

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