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Word count: 614
Halloween imagine special
Trigger warning: drowning and death

As the dark silver furred wolf with a massive, crouched shape, ready to spring chased you, you knew you were done for if it caught you. So you ran, as fast as you could. You ran up a cliff, but had to stop dead in your tracks as you reached the end of it. You could hear the waves of the ocean splashing at the bottom against the rocks. A growl could be heard from behind you and you froze momentarily. The wolf knew it had you trapped, and it prepared itself for its meal.
You frowned as you looked at the water once more.
"Like hell you will eat me." You whispered before jumping down the cliff. The wolf howled in frustration and anger, but it didn't jump after you.
You hit the ice cold water and tried to swim up, but to no avail. The waves where too strong and you had used most of your energy while running away from the wolf.

And that's when you started to drown. You held your breath the best you could and scraped your fingers trying to find the rock, or the sand or anything, but you sunk deeper and deeper. You sank so deep that the pressure popped your ears, and your ears were burning horribly from the salt water and other chemicals that made it feel as if you were burning.
While drowning, your instincts told you to kick, to jump, you're so desperate to get to that surface, you're acting as if you're running once more. You really couldn't help it.
You got frustrated, because you knew you're a lost cause, and you were in a constant state of panic. You tried to scream, but were gagged by the water, making you inhale even more water in your lungs. You could only pray that someone somewhere would safe you right now.
You couldn't do anything but wait. And waiting was the worst part of drowning.

Eventually, your lungs started to burn. You were desperate for that sweet taste of oxygen, and you desperately wanted to go home. You kept thinking you could breathe, you were in absolute denial - but you just couldn't breathe.
You started holding your throat, your mind was haywire, you couldn't swim, you simply wanted to stop yourself from inhaling, and the pressure made it feel like you were about to explode.
Eventually, your lungs gave out, and you took a deep, deep breath.
You were desperate for satisfaction, craving to breathe so desperately, but you just felt the water fill you and make you heavier, you felt the weight of it clog all your orifices.
It was hard to explain but the weight of water just .. hurted so badly in the end.

As you inhaled more and more water, you began to feel really dizzy. The was one final kick, one final desperate attempt to break through the surface.
Then calmness came over you. You had almost left your body completely. As if you were waking up from a deep, long nap, and you were still experiencing the after-effects of it. You were now laying on the sand at the bottom of the ocean, too weak to do anything, and you were very calm.
Death no longer worried you. Your vision started to spot and you start to hallucinate, due to lack of oxygen to your brain. You saw your family, your friends. You saw your own life and you even started to see a future you would never life to see come true. A small smile displayed over your lips as blackness took a hold of you, and your hallucinations became reality in death itself.  

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