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Word count: 461

Pain was spreading through you. It was like a fire, licking its way through your veins and through your heart. The pain was excruciating and you were screaming. You screamed even after your throat had gone completely sore, and you could taste the copper taste of your own back in the back of it. You had completely destroyed your vocal cords with your screams.
"My love, please. Hold on." Garrett whispered in your ear, wiping your hair away from your face, trying to calm you down. Another scream erupted from your throat and you arched your back. You kicked and tossed around on the wooden floor of the cabin, trying to get away from the flames inside you. Garrett frowned and felt very guilty. He never wanted to see you in pain, but he knew this was necessary to stay with you forever. He sat down on the floor and pulled your body closer to his, trying to help soothe the flames with his cold body.
"I am so sorry, my love. So sorry. If there was another way I would have done that. Please hold on." He whispered in your ear once more, running his fingers through your hair. Your body shook with pain, yet tears no longer streamed down your face. They had dried up for all eternity. Never would you shed another tear.

Garrett kept whispering sweet nothings in your ear, trying to soothe your pain or distract you from it at least. Slowly the pain seemed to retract itself. First from your toes and fingertips. Then your legs and arms, until the flames where only licking their way at your heart. A final scream ripped through your throat as you clawed at your chest.
"Rip it out! Rip it out! RIP MY HEART OUT PLEASE!" you screamed. Garrett quickly held onto your arms as much as he could, fighting your newborn strength.
"It is almost over, my love. Almost." He whispered, holding you even closer to his body. You whimpered in pain as you listened to your heart fighting the venom and the flames, but both of you knew it was a lost cause. Your heart beat its final beat and silence fell in the cabin.

You opened your now bright red eyes and looked into Garrett's. His face more clear than ever. A huge smile spread across his face before his lips attacked yours. You were shocked at first, your instincts telling you to pull away and hiss. But other feelings soon took over, the human feelings you had for him were nothing compared to the vampire feelings. You pulled him closer to you, kissing back eagerly. Garrett chuckled and pulled away slightly.
"Careful love. You are the strongest one now. Try to not break me." 

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