The bride

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Word count: 436
Halloween imagine special
Trigger warning: blood and death

You had heard the legends of course.

Rosalie Lillian Hale was born in Rochester, New York, in early 1915; she had two younger brothers, a housewife for a mother, and her father worked at a bank. Her father's job helped keep the family wealthy during the Great Depression.
She was born beautiful and constantly praised, making her vain and self-centred as a result. Her parents took pride in her looks, which she enjoyed.
However, unlike her social-climbing parents, who always wanted more out of life despite their already elevated status, Rosalie was just happy in the knowledge that she was Rosalie Hale, and that she was very beautiful.

One day, Rosalie's mother had her dress up to deliver her father's forgotten lunch to his job, in the hopes that the son of the bank's owner would take notice of Rosalie, and it worked. Royce King II sent roses to Rosalie and, after making a comment that her eyes were like violets, Rosalie began receiving them, too. Their relationship was solely based on physical attraction, as Royce was often too busy at the bank.
They became engaged and one week before the wedding, Rosalie visited her good friend Vera, who Rosalie envied for her baby boy.

While walking home, shaken by her thoughts about her loveless relationship, Rosalie stumbled across her drunken fiancé and his equally drunk friends; Royce bragged about his fiancée's beauty which eventually led to Rosalie being brutally gang-raped and beaten before being left in the street to die.

But not so dead after all, as you were face to face with the beauty that was Rosalie Hale. A smirk was plastered around her beautiful lips, her eyes were red like blood. She was dressed in what was once a beautiful wedding gown. But the white ivory and silk had turn brown and red from the blood of her victims. And you knew yours would soon decorate the silken gown as well.

Revenge. Revenge on humans was all Rosalie craved from the moment she had been changed. And revenge she would get. The beauty left no time to spare as she sunk her pearly, white teeth into her victims neck, savouring every drop of blood.

But greed got the best of her and soon your neck was completely ripped open, the light leaving your eyes for good. Your blood stained the beauty's dress even further and a growl of annoyance came from her throat as soon as your body was drained. She dropped you on the pavement and went as quickly as she came. In the hunt for the next, greedy and selfish human. 

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