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December 14 2004

She was just a little girl, with green eyes, a freckled face and having a bed time story with her brother, after her warm bath her mother helped her with. She felt her eyes slowly getting heavier as Little Red Riding Hood was enjoying her adventurous journey, adding to that her mother slowly caressing her fair short hair, to help her little daughter sleep faster than predicted.

The clock had read 6:30 that night, too early for the little girl to fall asleep but her mother loved her kids more than anything in this world to let them witness verbal abuse and a new round of bitter dilemma her oh so happy marriage used to encounter every five or six days per week.

Nights changed with the weather, but the habit of these fights had no other thing but to stab the poor little girl's heart before it broke into pint-sized pieces.

"Mommy," the girl spoke, as her little lips escaped a sweet yawn while quickly rubbing her lazy eye.

"Yes, baby?" The mother softly replied, trying to not bother little Trevor's sleep.

"Is daddy coming tonight?" the little girl asked her mother, with fear quivering in her eyes.

"Of course he is, he'll be home soon." The mother replied, hoping that night would be different than the previous one she had faced. "Please no fights tonight," the sleepy girl finally said before she slowly closed her eyes and welcomed in her world of hopes and dreams whilst she was enveloped in her mother's arms. "I promise that I'll protect you forever, Ray." The mother whispered as she smoothed her daughter's hair, "I won't let anyone hurt you or your brother, Raquel."

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