Scenario #49

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Requested by: Mod Ouma XD

Liar!Y/N and Shinobu Kocho cuddling HCs

-They switch on who gets to be the big spoon and the little spoon.
-Y/N liked to cuddle Shinobu close to his chest and take in the scent of her hair when he's the big spoon, but if he's the little spoon, then he likes it if Shinobu would play with his hair and kiss the top of his head.
-Shinobu likes to look at Y/N's sleeping face and carress his hair whenever she's the big spoon, before resting her chin on top of his head and going to sleep herself, but if she's the little spoon, then she'll like to be enveloped in an embrace since she feels calm and protected.
-The two often had nightmares when they slept on their own, each having it's own way of terrifying the both of them. This, along with extreme paranoia is what caused Y/N to avoid sleeping. Shinobu would still sleep it off, but will hug herself in an attempt to make things better, which works sometimes, but should it fail, then she'll make herself some tea, not knowing that someone is watching her out if concern.
-Y/N can tell if Shinobu's troubled by something just by the look of her face or the tension of her shoulders. It's easy for him to figure out what's troubling her, but found it hard to comfort her since it isn't really his thing, and Shinobu doesn't like to express her feelings. He'll listen to her though, should she ever need to vent her worried and frustrations, which she does so at times, even providing some truthful and encouraging replies after she's done talking. Shinobu has a hard time knowing if Y/N is troubled because of how well he puts himself up. It'd start to crack in a couple of weeks or months, depending on how bad it is. Once Y/N showed atleast 5 signs of being troubled, Shinobu thinks of her arguments as Y/N most likely won't go without a fight, and confronts him with it...her smile disappearing in the process.
Comforting Y/N isn't easy, but she does it better than everyone else, Y/N rarely vents and also doesn't like expressing himself like she is, Shinobu would often talk or sing to him as she knows her voice is his most favorite sound in the world, even back when they aren't in a relationship yet.
The two always resolved such problems with cuddling as well as the things mentioned above.
-They're the type to hold hands and talk to each other before they sleep. Y/N and Shinobu can be quite talkative, depending on how eventful their day went!
-Shinobu knows Y/N doesn't sleep, so she often initiates cuddles to force him to atleast lie down.
-They're at their sweetest when cuddling...kissing, holding hands, just enjoying each other's warmth.
-In the event of one of them geting nightmares whilst sleeping in the same futon together, the other would snap awake and give attention to the other that's having the nightmares.
-Cuddles sometimes lead to make-out sessions with the both of them leaving marks on each other...they restrain themselves enough to not go any further than that though. They both love doing it, but it just gets irritating about having to tighten up their uniform just so they can hide the marks they gave to each other.
-10/10 cuddles. They help the both of them alot.

Ehh, First time that Mod Ouma's ever requested something.

-Mod Ibuki

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