Scenario #30

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Requested by: CristianConcepcion4

DRV3 Girls reacting to Liar!Y/N.
with a Secret Bonus!

Kaede Akamatsu

-Called him "Ouma kun" the first time thinking that he just dyed his hair to H/C and changed his hairstyle.
-Wow, he isn't Kokichi, wtf?
-Has just as much of a harder time as she does with Kokichi.
-But she's patient, so she'll find a way to work with him.
-Y/N clings to her and claims she's his big sister, and if she disagees, he cries and whines.
-She lets him be most of time, he's abit more mellow than Ouma to be honest, only by a little though.
-she stops him when he pranks someone, both Y/N and Ouma since they're most likely in it together.
-Just exasperated, he's kinda adorable when he calls her "Big sis."

Maki Harukawa

-One Ouma is there's TWO?!?!
-Probs gonna strangle Y/N if he takes a step too far.
-Much like Ouma, Y/N managed to find out she was an assassin just by taking a good look in her's kinda scary though.
-Yeah, she definitely has no patience for him, but she does hold back because of Kaito Momota's Influence.

Angie Yonaga

-Doesn't really matter to her.
-She thinks he's just as annoying as Ouma, but Atua will be the one to punish them when the time comes.
-Two more people that'll thwart the Student Council...

Tenko Chabashira

-Another menace? Not to mention the worst kind..
-She'll flip dis boyo if he ticks her off, gets to close to Yumeno, or sees them "harrassing" a girl.
-Will treat him as she does Ouma, and has absolutely no patience to understand him.

Himiko Yumeno

-Y/N often teases her because of her reactions..
-Tenko always flips him and knocks him down the ground whenever Yumeno gets mad about the teasing.
-Y/N usually sticks with her if Ouma or Akamatsu is unavailable or isn't around.
-Y/N gains a huge crush on her though he doesn't know why.
-Tenko always interferes with Y/N's quest to woe the magician.
-Manages to trick Tenko and have some alone time with Yumeno.
-They both have a heart to heart talk where she realizes he's actually a good person and is easier to talk to whenever he doesn't have the mask of his.
-Y/N only reveals small parts of his life.
-But eventually...he confesses.
-And Yumeno couldn't even be happier despite Tenko's protest.

Miu Iruma

-can't believe this...but she has to.
-Ugh, as if Ouma isn't already too much.
-Y/N is just the "Less-arsehole" version, but he's still much of an arsehole though. Kokichi just surpasses him by not quite alot.
-Gets confused when Y/N and Kokichi switch hairstyles and confuse her the heck out(Everyone probably gets confused)
-her inventions are always marked with Kokichi and Y/N's little drawings and she's super mad about it.
-Will probably invent something to counter them both.

Kirumi Tojo

-Two of her classmates now refer to her as "Mommy!"
-Kokichi and Y/N are very much like brothers, though not by blood.
-She hated the idea of being a mother to these 2, but even she has no idea she's been acting so motherly towards them and it's like they're her children until Kaito Momota pointed it out followed by Saihara Shuichi.
-still won't like being called "Mommy" but will settle for "Big Sister" though.
-Y/N and Kokichi obliges, but calls her "Mommy" every now and then.
-Kirumi will ignore them if she's called "mommy" but will turn with the smoothest "Yes?" if called "Big sis/Sister"
-Now Kaede and Kirumi are these two's guardians at school.

Tsumugi Shirogane

-Will definitely Cosplay them as twins from the various animes she watches and manga she reads
-Y/N and Kokichi always have trouble getting away from her, but can easily take away her photos.
-these two will indulge her cravings for cosplay since there's nothing that can stop Tsumugi whenever she's like this.


Mitsuri Kanroji's first reaction to Liar!Y/N
And Friendship Headcanons!

Mitsuri Kanroji

-Is kinda taken aback by his behaviour, but will tolerate him better than everyone else!
-Though she might feel sad because he lies so much, she still believes that it's the core of Y/N's character.
-Reminds her of Shinobu to be honest and has often tried to get the two together.
-Unfortunately, Y/N is always away and seems to avoid staying too much in the Demon Slaying Corps. Headquarters.
-Is shocked when he first refered to Oyakata-Sama as just "Kagaya Chan!" And just threw a water balloon at him.
-Iguro almost broke his arm if it weren't for her stopping him.
-One of the people who thinks he doesn't deserve all the hate he's receiving...she would never want that for her friend!
-She tries to get to know Y/N too! But he often pushes her away and masks himself completely.
-Will still support him though.
-and She's probably one of Y/N's only good friend with the exception of the people from the Butterfly Estate.
-Actually the one to help him make his daggers and various knives...
-Y/N also often scares and surprises her to which she pouts at.
-Tried getting him back once and decided to scare him...
-When she finally did, Y/N didn't respond for a few moments, but he soon turned his face to her with the most horrifying expression she has ever seen.
-Iguro almost broke his arm again--
-despite all of these though, she's still happy to have met the liar and will still help him with anything!



Hope ya'll don't mind me adding some Mitsuri headcanons!

-Mod Ouma

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