No More Light

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A/N Thanks to once again for letting me use one of his/her ideas, A few things, One, go check out his/her story, Cuphead In: Fate Will Find You. and Two, check out the next book in the series, "Cuphead In: Sketches Collide" coming May-June 2020. This is the final chapter in this book! I will give a link once the 3rd story is out.

Day 36

It's been a couple of weeks since the invasion started, from what I've heard, that dastardly hedgehog, Sonic, has been caught by his self-proclaimed "girlfriend", I don't buy it though. Amy must've had a plan. We still must keep her contained in a dark place so we can get more time...

Elder Kettle has been spotted passing by the Mystic Cave zone. They don't know Cuphead and Mugman are on Angel Island, this floating island that is guarded by a rare jewel, honestly, I don't care about that jewel, I care about the two who are in it....

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, be warned, you are being played...............


Sonic finally woke up in a dark, damp place. Sonic grumbled as he got to his feet. What a traitor! What a schmuck! So annoying... Sonic then realized something, he wasn't dead. "How?" He asked himself. "Who said that?!" A voice suddenly replied. Sonic suddenly heard another small voice apply him, from then on, he heard half of what they were saying..

"....why'd ya say that?!"

" it's polite!"

"......just say that!"

" who it is..."

"...ckles, no!"

"...ff me!"

"...n't be dumb li..."


"...s fine..."

"...ow can we see?"

"..right, fine.."

Sonic got ready for battle, was that Eggman's voice he heard? Or Orbot's? He then looked as a white hand came out, the thing was it looked familiar.. "E-eggman...?" Sonic asked, but his voice came in a crunch. He got overwhelmed when he saw who stepped out...


Knuckles looked back in shock, did he really see who he thought he saw? Sonic? "T-tails... you might wanna s-see this..." The nerved echidna said to a different entity. The fox cub stepped out, clearly frustrated. "Knuckles, I told you not to-" He was cut short when he saw who it was. Sonic backed away cautiously. "D-devil.. I know you're trying to trick me," He said sorrowfully. "It's not funny.." Tails just looked at the hedgehog. "S-sonic?" The fox finally let out.

"Is.. that you?"

All three of them walked to each other cautiously. Sonic and Tails finally touched each other's gloves. Suddenly, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles felt that one spark that gave them courage. "It's really you... isn't it?" Sonic said, coming to a hopeful conclusion. "Y-yeah.." Tails said. Red hot tears filled everyone, but of happiness instead of sadness, especially Sonic and Tails. They all wiped them, not wanting to be embarrassed.

"It's really you.." Sonic smiled. "Yeah, I guess it is..." Tails looked on at the hedgehog. Suddenly, Sonic looked on, and said something the fox thought he'd never say...

"Should.. we stay here?"

The place went dead silent. "W-what do ya mean?" Tails asked, hoping he didn't mean it. "Look, the thing is.. reality stinks a lot! Nothing we do there matters!" Sonic snarled. Knuckles looked at Tails, then looked back at Sonic. "Maybe.. but, we can't just leave our friends, can we?" Knuckles asked. Sonic gasped, Knuckles never referred the others his "friends", just him and Tails, (maybe Rouge). Sonic looked at him. "I... guess.." Sonic choked for being so selfish.

Cuphead and Sonic [Book 1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon