The Race is On!

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Sonic and Tails ran, "Man, those cups were odd." Tails said. "I know lit-" Sonic started, as he smack-faced into Knuckles. "HOLY YOWZA" Knuckles said as the pain stung through him. "Hey Knux! Are the dragon and onion okay?" Sonic asked. It only took Knuckles three seconds to realize who he had bumped into. "Hey Sonic! Oh.. yeah, they're fine, wait a second... Is that? NO, IT CAN'T BE!!" Knuckles shrieked. Sonic and Tails looked where he was pointing, there they were, the bird, the bee, and the flying blimp, and they were carrying the.... MASTER EMERALD! "WHY THOSE LITTLE- GET BACK HERE!!!" Knuckles screamed at the top of his lungs as he ran towards the animals (and human). "Wait, Knuckles!" Sonic yelped, but it was too late, Knuckles was running toward them.

Meanwhile, Grim and Weepy were being brambled by bushes. "Ow..." Weepy yelped... "oof.." Grim said. They started running, bruises and scratches all over them. When they bumped into Cuphead and Mugman. "GRIM!" Cuphead yelped, as he gave Grim a hug.. "H-hi.. Cuphead, it's s-so good to see you guys!" Grim yelped as he hugged Cuphead. "Hi weepy, are you okay?" Mugman asked, cencorned. "Well, kind of now that we found you two.." Weepy said with a smile forming on his face. "Okay, 4 found, a few 1 decade to go.." "Wait..." Mugman said with sheer horror on his face. "If.. all of us got sucked in.." Cuphead said. Cuphead, Mugman, Weepy, and Grim looked at each other madly, knowing what this meant, "Devil and Dice are here, too!!'

Meanwhile, in Angel Island, The fallen Devil's Casino laid. "My, my this is a good place to take over.." The Devil sneered. "Are you sure, boss. This looks... dreary.." King Dice answered. "Yes, Dice.. Apparently, Cuphead and Mugman are here too.. We will get em' soon. But for now, we must focus on the others. After these people will bow to me! And nothing will stop us," The Devil roared in victory. "And it's not like how I lost to that ficky fiddle player in Georgia, either (Get the reference?) I will reign victorious!" "But sir," King Dice asked, "How will we finish them off if we couldn't defeat them the last time?"

"You'll see, but first... We need to find the.... Elder Kettle, he's making shelter somewhere..." The Devil explained, "in a place called.. 'Aquatic Ruin' on West Side Island. That Kettle has all the info on how those two were raised. Wait.. what the..?" In the sky, The Devil saw Hilda, Rumor, and Wally carrying a dark blue emerald into a fortress. "Hey-" Then suddenly, he saw a plane chasing after it. The plane was dark red and white, and someone was hanging off the side bar. The name read in white color, SONIC. A blue hedgehog, and a orange fox were flying up to them. On the ground, a red echidna was screaming and storming after the hedgehog and fox..

"Well, well, looks like it's a race..." The Devil snickered. "Dice.. we've got a new mission.." Then in the present vision, he saw Cuphead, Mugman, Grim, and Weepy forming a plan. Then suddenly, he could see where everybody was, at what pace. "What's the mission, boss" Dice asked, forming a smile. "We gotta get that emerald!" The Devil roared. He laughed and whisked him and Dice away, leaving behind the Casino, but, little did they know, all the creatures, they left behind, were breaking free....

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