The Final Run

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"Hey... are you okay..?"


That's all Sonic heard for a few seconds. The scar hurt a little less now. "Errhhhh..." Sonic moaned, in pain. The person put a bandage on his mouth, he now realized his lip had been bleeding. Sonic coughed slighty, trying to awaken himself. "You are awake... right?" The person asked. Sonic tried to nod to give some sort of reponse, but ended up hurting his head and giving himself an even bigger headache than he had intended. Another voice caught his attention, "Come on, wake up!"

It was Amy!

"Amy...?" Sonic asked softly, his mouth stinging with pain as he asked. "I didn't mean for this to happen!" Amy said softly. "Err... what?" Sonic asked, his mouth gushing more and more pain into his throat, which was already coarse. "It was my fault, I sent the Devil to track you!"


Sonic bolted up immediately, his legs stinging, but he didn't care at that moment. "You sent The Devil to track us?!" Sonic yelled, in immediate fury. The pain got strong but he didn't care, not one bit. "Yes... but it was by accident!" The pink hedgehog tried to explain, but Sonic was in a rage. "Oh, and how did you NOT know that was a LITERAL demon?!" Sonic asked in a rage. A voice coughed, Sonic had remembered there had been another person as well. He stopped instantly

"Oh my goodness... I am so sorry.." Sonic started. He then saw the person, she looked odd, that was for sure! It was a mermaid. "What's your name?" Sonic asked, feeling a bit rude. "My name is Cala Maria" the mermaid answered, seeming shy. "Hi, Cala, my name is Sonic!" Sonic answered, but then turned his attention back to Amy. "This isn't over!" He yelped at her. Amy looked down, what else could she do? She had literally sent the demon here. "Can I ATLEAST explain?" Amy yelled all of a sudden. "Fine, do." Sonic answered softly...


Amy had been strolling around her house, making tea. It had been a normal day by that point. You see, Amy lived next to Sonic's house. Amy was playing in the fields when this happened..

"Hello?" A voice said. It was a sly cat, but it was big for it's size. "Hi? Are you new around here, my name is Amy Rose.." Amy introduced herself happily, maybe in the midst of a new friend. "Why, yes, I am.." The cat answered. "My name is Mayer"

Amy grinned, it was a nice name. "Hi Mayer, what are you doing around here?" Amy asked. "I'm looking for a blue hedgehog, he said he needed me..." Mayer answered. "Sonic the Hedgehog?" Amy answered. "Yeah! Him, he said he needed me to meet that orange fox and red echidna." Mayer grinned. Amy, being guilible, answered him, "Oh yeah, I saw him earlier today! Although, he looked upset, I saw him run into those woods!"

"Thank you, polite soul.." Mayer said, although for some reason he shook when he said the word "soul",

"No problem!" Amy answered, smiling. Mayer ran into the woods. Amy was just about to get back to her swingset, when she suddenly heard the voice

"Man, she was guilible, boss!"

Amy gasped when she heard that, she snuck behind a tree and saw the "cat" she had interacted with. He took off the coat, and revealed black fur, as well as his deadly claws. He took off his hat Amy had seemed confused about. It revealed horns. "You bet she was Dice!" The thing said with a snicker. "She led me right to him!"

Amy gasped, wondering what kind of terrible thing he was gonna do to Sonic. "With that annoying fox and echidna out of the way, nothing can stop you!" Dice yelped, laughing.

"Hold on." The Devil said, he looked right to Amy's tree and smashed it. Amy screamed when she had been spotted, mixed with fear, anger, and confusion. "Yeah, get outta here!" The demon said to the now quivering hedgehog. "You weren't apart of this, and you will never be!" Dice yelled at Amy. The Devil snickered. "Goodbye, pink hedgehog! And don't even think about coming after us, or else you'll join that annoying fox and that tempered echidna!" The Devil warned. The Devil lifted his spear, and him and King Dice disappeared. Amy could hear his horrid laugh inside her head.

Amy gasped. What have I done? Amy wondered, panicked. "Sonic!" She screamed, and she ran toward the woods she had pointed "Mayer" at.


Sonic and Cala gasped, realizing what this could mean for everyone. "Come on! We have to get outta---!" Sonic started, before suddenly passing out. "SONIC!" Amy yelped. Cala and Amy rushed to his assistance. Amy suddenly saw one of those arrows in his back. "Somebody did this on purpose!" Amy shrieked, knowing exactly who that "someone" was. Then suddenly, two more people ran over. They were... cups! "Oh no..." The red one said softly. "NO! SONIC!" The blue one screamed. "Cuphead what do we do?" The blue one yelped, obviously upset. "I-i-i Don't know!" Cuphead seemed to yell. "Mugman, do you have an idea?"

"No.." Mugman said. "I think Sonic's gone.." Cuphead said, "This is all my fault..." He said softly to himself, he put his hand to his forehead, and sighed heavily.

"Don't worry.. We'll find a bed for Sonic, and we'll make sure he gets better.." Amy said to the mourning cup.

Cuphead and Mugman looked at Amy, they suddenly both had a spark she couldn't be trusted...

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