Envisioning Nightmare

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"Tails!" Sonic yelled, he picked up the cub. "we have no time to wake him up," Shadow explained, "We just have to take him with us, don't drop him!" Sonic picked him up on instinct and jumped out of the way of a moving boulder. "What the-?" Shadow started, however, he then suddenly looked in the direction of the boulder. The boulders were rolling down the hill, it could've crushed both Sonic and Tails if he hadn't jumped out of the way.


Sonic and Shadow ran, carrying a limp Tails behind. The two barely got far before the cub started to whimper in his sleep. Sonic looked at him worried, Tails seemed uncomfortable. The cub seemed to be having a nightmare. Shadow grabbed out something. Sonic gasped, it was a chaos emerald.

"Chaos Control!"

Sonic and Shadow suddenly disappeared out of the void, leaving it to crumble. The Center of Time perished into one mess, leading someone to seem it had been abandoned.


The three fell into a wood-like place. Sonic realized it was the entrance to the lab. "Okay, first off, how did you get a Chaos Emerald?!" Sonic asked. "I've had it for about a week now," Shadow explained, "I found it while I was digging through the Center of Time." Sonic didn't seem to buy it, or care really, he just needed the emerald. "May I have it?" Sonic asked, he was expecting a big fight, however, what happened next surprised him. 

"Yeah. Keep it" Shadow said as he gave him the emerald, gently placing it in Sonic's palm. Sonic was startled, Shadow had never been this polite before, something could've changed him. Something else hit Sonic as well, Shadow found the emerald in the Center of Time. "Does that mean every other emerald was in there, too?" Sonic couldn't help asking this question. "Hmm... maybe.." Shadow answered softly. "We need to go back..." Sonic realized. "How?" Shadow asked him cautiously. 

"I don't know..."

Sonic still realized he had Tails on his back, he set him down softly. "Knuckles has apparently  been taken by the demon.." Sonic said, trying to start conversation. "Like that makes me feel better about all this." Shadow said sarcastically. 

There he was.

Sonic sighed and picked dirt on the floor. Shadow had never seen him so hopeless, so this surprised him. Shadow looked over him. Tails was suddenly starting to shiver, his teeth chattering. "Here you go, little buddy," Sonic said, putting a blanket over him, "Use this.." The cub stopped shivering as the blanket was loomed over him. He grinned as he tucked himself tight. 

Sonic and Shadow suddenly felt as if someone was looking at them, like a cat hunting its prey. Sonic suddenly felt light in the head. In the instant, he started spurting.

"Sonic?!" Shadow yelled, off guard. "I feel... Weird" Sonic said. He suddenly looked at Shadow and blacked out...


Sonic woke up. Everything was too weird for his liking. "Shadow?" He asked as he looked up. He suddenly saw he was in Angel Island, except it was now all in ruins. "What's going on?" The Blue hedgehog wondered to himself. He tried to get used to his new surroundings. However, he couldn't shake the feeling something was amiss. 

He was suddenly felt with doubt. As if everyone in the world hated him. He started to hate himself. "Why did I let them leave?" He asked himself. Sonic groaned and walked around the deserted island. 

"This is all your fault!"

Sonic turned to the voice, and saw Tails, looking at him. "Wha-?" Sonic asked, but was interrupted with Tails punching him. "I hate you!" He yelled. Sonic, at a loss for words, tried to avoid the punches from his little buddy. "You ruined everything!" He screeched as he whipped the hedgehog with his tails. "T-this isn't real.." He told himself. "Nothing is..." Sonic fell to his knees in sorrow. "Let me out... "He said to himself as he was continuously beaten by the fox. 

Now as he ached on the floor, he knew the only thing to do... was wait for death to come...

The End... or is it?

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