Harry stopped. He didn't turn or make any kind of movement; he stopped abruptly in his tracks and slowly processed the two words he'd just heard his boyfriend say.

"Did you hear me, Harry? I..I said I'm sorry. I made a mistake by hurting you. I didn't mean it. I hope you understand that I would never hurt you..well, intentionally anyway.

I have obvious..trust issues..and that gets in the way of everything. It ruins everything. I hate it, but I just can't..I can't get rid of it. It's like a part of me.

You never did anything wrong, babe. Can I still call you that..? I hope so. I..I also hope this isn't over. I know me not trusting you or that you actually care about me puts a huge dent in the relationship, but I'm working on it.

I really am trying because I don't want to lose you. You did everything right; you were patient and understand and kind..and I was selfish for never putting your thoughts into consideration.

It must be so difficult for you to put up with someone who feels like you don't love them when you try your best to show them you do..and I'm just so so sorry I made you feel that way."

Harry still didn't say anything. He just looked at Louis and nodded.

A nod? What is that supposed to mean?

"Well..?" Louis asked softly. "Can you please just say something, anything, back to me?"

"Goodnight Lou," is all Harry said before shutting the door.

"Two headlights shine through the sleepless night, and I will get you, get you alone, your name has echoed through my mind and I just think you should, think you should know..that nothing safe is worth the drive and I will follow you, follow you home..I'll follow you, follow you home..." Louis sang to himself as he sat alone under a tree with a bottle of whiskey.

He didn't like drinking..it was only for the rough days where he felt like couldn't make it anymore. When he was getting bad again.

His hand was shaking as he lifted the bottle up to his mouth and took a swig, the lukewarm liquid burning in his throat. But it was a good kind of burning sensation.

"Why do I wreck everything..?" He asked himself out loud, the anger in his voice scaring him.

"I destroy everything...my parent's marriage, my own relationship..I can't have ANYTHING!" he screamed. He took another swig from the bottle and then out of a sudden burst of rage, threw the bottle into the nearby pond.

Louis fell back against the tree and broke into pitiful sobs. He was lucky he was alone so no one would see him like this.

Or so he thought.


"DON'T LOOK AT ME!" He screamed, not even registering who it was.

Harry leaned down and looked him in his eyes. He'd been crying, too.

"Louis.." he repeated.


He nodded, his wild curls falling into his eyes. He blinked quickly to stop himself from crying. He may've been mad at Louis, but he still didn't want to see him like this. It was actually the last thing he wanted to see.


"Shhh, don't ask questions. Hush. I'm disappointed in you, you big idiot."

Louis nodded. "I..I know," he started crying.

"But I still love you, even if you are an idiot. Cause you're my idiot.


"Y-Y-..You really mean it..?" Louis slurred.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I think so. C'mon, let's get you out of here. And I don't ever want to see you drinking again..not for a very long time anyway. You're lucky I found you here..I wouldn't..I wouldn't know what to do if you'd gotten hurt or something." He shuddered at the thought of all the terrible things that could've happened.

"What are you even doing here..?" Louis asked curiously. Luckily he wasn't too drunk to where he couldn't ask reasonable questions.

Harry shrugged. "This is our place, Lou. I figured you'd be here..plus I needed some fresh air and time to just walk around and think. I never told you but I come here a lot and just think. Sometimes about you, even."

Louis just smiled. He hoped he didn't look too creepy.

Harry reached down and picked him up bridal style and carried him to his car. Louis wasn't as heavy as he'd imagined.

He was actually a bit shorter than Harry and weighed just a little bit less.

"You're coming back to my place-and no, don't get any ideas, you'll be sleeping on the couch."


They drove home in silence, mainly because Louis had fallen asleep after two minutes.

Harry set Louis down on the couch and covered him up in some old blankets before kissing his head and tiptoeing of to his bedroom before he was caught.

"What do you think you're doing??" Gemma yell-whispered.

His eyes widened. Uh-oh.

"Gem, I had to..he was dr-"

"Louis was drinking?!"

"Keep your voice down!" Harry whispered. "But yes..I found him in the park and he was trashed. I got worried. I'm still mad at him, but I couldn't just leave him there. He's my boyfriend, Gem. So I brought him here to sleep on the couch..nothing more, I swear. He'll be gone by the morning. Just don't tell mum..pleeeaaase," he begged.

Gemma thought, then rolled her eyes before nodding. "Okay..fine."

"Seriously...?" He was a bit shocked.

"Yeah. I'll keep quiet..but if you get caught though it's all on you. Now go get some sleep, bub. I love you."

Harry kissed her cheek quickly and walked off to his room.

"Wow..he really does loves Louis," is all Gemma said before going in the separate direction.


adsgeewttedh drunk louis makes me feel things idek

well. that was interesting. i've been having terrible writers block lately so i apologize if this chapter was rubbish, i tried.

anyway, next update should be soon..maybe this weekend? my mom is making me give her my phone everyday when i get home from school bc i'm failing rn and she says i spend too much time texting and stuff than studying oops

we'll see. but thank you for reading-i seriously didn't think it was possible for my book to get over 2 reads! it means a lot. reads and votes keep me motivated to write so keep it up please(:

also go follow me and allison's one direction, 5sos, and larry mixed fandom Instagram account! the name is @5secondsofstylxnson and every follow is appreciated!

okay, i gotta jet. love you all~
-iStartedNothing x

p.s. i apologize for any errors in this story-past, present and future.

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