Chapter 1~Hazel

Começar do início

"Nice to meet you Debby and Zibah." She took Debby's hand and her box crashed to the floor, causing me to roll my eyes. "I can call you Zibah right?"

"Sure." I smiled and helped Debby with her box.

The room was kind of beautiful to be our dorm room, compared to those ones I saw on TV. This must be expensive. It was painted with milk and whatever color that was with a nice shelf for books. Beautiful windows and blindfolds that reminded me of when I used to peek at a very cute boy at home whenever he watered his plants. I never got to talk to him, sad.

Debby's bed was right beside mine covered in a black and white striped duvet. The environment seemed friendly, with nice weather and a nice closet. I had a feeling this might actually be nice and not as bad as I expected it to be.

"Yeah, sure. I'd teach you some Australian slang," Hazel said to Debby.

They were already bonding, how beautiful. I was still a bit upset about being in this school so maybe I'd just keep to myself and never socialize with anyone.

Unpacking my box, I saw a little love letter my forever crush gave to me that almost put me into trouble when we were nine. Well, he wasn't really my forever crush, I stopped crushing on him the day that horrible incident happened.

I carelessly left the letter after reading it for the hundredth time that day. Dad was sweeping under the couch and I was there to help by collecting the important things that might have fallen under it. He swept out a letter and I knew the contents so I stood scared stiff.

"What's that?" He asked, inching close to it.

"Leave it, Dad, I'll just trash it. It's probably one of my rough sketches," I said in a fretful manner, trying to hide the cold feet I was having. This man was so good at knowing when there was something up my sleeve.

"What's under your sleeve?" He eyed me suspiciously. I Told you he always knew when something was up my sleeve.

"D-dad it's just a rough sketch, I'll dispose of it." I simpered and reached for the paper, but I was too late because he got it before me. My blue eyes must have betrayed the fear I tried to hide. He was pulling it open before an opportunity presented itself through Debby.

"Dad! Some Mr. McCoy is on the line." She held out the phone in her hand and signaled for me to take the paper from him, but that was going to be impossible. She handed him the phone with a glass of juice.

"I'll keep that for you on the table," whispered Debby, while taking the paper out of his hand. Quickly, I ran up to tear a rough sketch and squeezed it with all my might before giving it to my twin to help replace it.

"Thank you," I whispered and continued sweeping like nothing happened. Lord knows what father would have done to Blake and I. He would have marched up to his house and caused a scene.

"Did you see the bracelet Mom gave to me?" Debby asked, snapping me out of my trance. I checked the little pocket of my box and handed it to her.

The letter meant a lot to me even if Blake had no interest in me anymore after what dad did to him. I still kept and read it every once in a while.

The letter says-:

Hi, sunshine, I've been wanting to tell you how much I love and want to marry you but I'm just a shy average kid that crushes on the most beautiful girl with the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen. I'd love to share my juice box with you tomorrow in school.

Love, Blake.

I smiled at how he sounded so mature in the letter and not like some average 9-year-old he called himself.

I'll put this in a picture frame someday.

I laughed at the 'I want to marry you he wrote. Where was he now? He left me, why? Because he was a coward! It wasn't exactly his fault. It was my father's fault!

I had no boys around me because of him. I loved my freedom and it was the reason he preferred Debby to me. I was the type that protested even when I'd be punished.

The handle of the door twisted, but I locked it with the keys so the person couldn't get in.

"That must be my best friend." Hazel sang and stood up from her bed, adjusting her pink shirt and drawing up her black skirt.

Was this one of those movies I go to a college I hate and fall in love with the friend of my roommate? Please Lord, let it be so.

Finally, I was falling in love and it was with Hazel's best friend. I wondered what his eyes look like. I bet he'd fall for my blue eyes, no one resists them.

Sitting upright and adjusting my black unfitted gown, I wished I had something more beautiful than this. I wore a beautiful smile and looked at the door like I was going to jump on whoever I saw coming in.

"Hey!" Hazel and the weird-looking girl said, cutting my joy short. I thought this was going to be like that Wattpad book, after.

I facepalmed myself when I remembered boys were not allowed in the girl's dorm and got a confused look from the girls.

"I wasn't expecting you, I thought it was Ava," Hazel said.

"I just decided to check up on you and your new roomies," the girl said, walking elegantly into the room. She smiled at me with her baby doll green eyes. "I'm Mandy."

I shook her hand so as not to leave it hanging.

"Hephzibah." I smiled and got back to what I was doing.

She stood there in this weird-looking faded pink dress that showed her curvy features.

"Debby." My twin sister shook her.

"Nice to meet you all," she said, looking at me and it felt like she was stripping me naked with her eyes. I disliked how she stared at me, it felt so unclean.

She flipped her red hair and turned for the door.

In the deep Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora