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TRIGGERS:  Homeless life, bullying, and street violence.

IMPORTANT: Altough the first few paragraphs are in the description, the rest of the prologue isn't.  This is practically the first chapter.  Please read.  Also, it's kiiiinnddaaa just  a little bit poetry for the prologue.  Only the prologue though.


      Keith couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of lonliness as he wandered down the streets of the small town he had lived in since birth, Altea.  He looked all around him to see nobody around him, and dipped down the dark alleyway before setting down his bookbag and suitcase and curling up on the bench with his jacket draped over his shoulders to feign the feeling of a warm blanket. 

      He learned not to keep anything too important with him, but he was thankful for the heavy duty bookbag with a combination to access and the tether with a password that he had received from Kolivan for free after helping him manufacture them both.  That way people would often not bother to steal his bag at least, but Keith had learned not to grow attached to things.

      After all, being homeless wasn't the warmest life to live.  People stole and people killed.  Nothing was permanent, and the silent nights would forever haunt him.  Especially around the holiday season.

      Keith sat shivering on the bench as he stared down the dark narrow alley and watched couples and families walk past with joy and peace radiating off of them.  Keith wished he had something like that.  He only wanted to be comforted and hugged.

      He never had that.  He never had love.





What was love really?  A game like it had always been for him?  He had felt love, but it never seemed reciprocated.  Foster homes sending him back right as he grew attached.  He was forced to the next one every time he began to care.  He remembered asking one really nice family he was staying with to actually adopt him, but the next day he was instructed to pack his bags and was moved into the next house.  All of the abuse he undured through he years, until he finally ran away from everything.  A family adopted him, but grew tired and hateful.  So Keith left.  To this day he still wonders if they noticed.






It was never a home.

      "Home is where the heart is," They all say, but he never had the experience of home.  A loving family filled with passion and care.  It also didn't help that he was currently on the street.  Keith didn't have a house or a home.

Keith had nothing.








Nothing.  Something Keith was used to.  Something Keith was.  Nothing.





The word continued to repeat itself like a broken disk was lodged inside of his brain.


Keith felt nothing.  Keith fell asleep.


441 Words

I don't really like how the prologue turned out, but whatever.  I tried.  :P

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