"One minute we're dancing the next he takes off!" She said panicking slightly.

"Its okay, he was probably just feeling sick sick or something?" I said but it sounded more like a question.

"You sure I wasn't me? Did I do something?" Alison's voice cracked at the end and it broke my heart that a guy made who I considered my best friend feel like this.

"It deffinetly wasn't you" I said with anger in my voice.

As we where talking we had walked out onto the front lawn.

A black camaro pulled up and a man with black hair and green eyes got out, and he was totally gorgeous.

"Hi I'm Derek, a friend of Scotts" he said while flashing his beautiful smile.

"Sure you are" I said.

"Well he wanted me to take Alison home" he answered me his smile faltering for a second.

"Um well okay then" she said as she got into the camaro. I wanted to stop her but no words came out.

Derek winked at me and drove off with Alison.

I walked over to my car deciding that this was too much drama for me and I would just head home for some sleep, if I could get any that is.


As I got out of my car I breathed in the scent of rubbish and oddly enough McDonald's.

I walked up to the doors of my apartment and pushed them open, I walked over to the elevator lazily and pushed the button that would lead me towards my apartment door.

Finally the beep sounded and I walked out the door and down the hall.

I stood outside my door and unlocked it, pushing it open I threw my keys on a nearby table and slammed the door shut.

"I was planning on getting wasted and forgetting my problems for one night! One freaking night!" I yelled to no one.

Even though it was my choice to leave the party because their was way too much drama, something told me to leave, something inside of me warned me to leave. And I have yet to find out what that something is.

But either way I was stupid for leaving the party.

Now it was just me and my thoughts, my awful thoughts, this was so not good.
You seriously can't be alone for two seconds before letting me back in? Pathetic!

That aweful voice sneered.
Your so pathetic! So pathetic! Pathetic! PATHETIC! PATHETIC!

"SHUT-UP!" I screamed into The darkness tears where now streaming down my face, I could feel my mascara running black down my cheeks.

I moved my hands in front if my face and slid done the wall, crying into my hands I could feel myself breaking down for no reason, this is how my voices in my head strike, at completely random times, whenever I'm alone or feel alone... Their is a war going on in my head, and I'm losing the battle.

I hit the back of my head against the wall behind me, agind and again.
You deserve it after what you did, you deserve the pain!

It screamed as I screamed.

I kept hitting the back of my head until the throbbing became too much, I felt the back of my head and felt something warm, I moved my hand and looked down at it through the darkness, the red liquid coated my fingertips, blood.

Raven || Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now