Learning to Lock the Door

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"Ash isn't picking the breakfast spots anymore... " Colson continues to pout, giving her a dirty look as he takes a bite of his bacon.

"You're such a brat, Dad." Casie informs him with a side eye.

The table erupts into laughter at his daughter's astute observation. Colson is incredibly stubborn; wanting what he wants, when he wants it. Like a Brat.

"Oh, yeah?" He asks to her giggly squeals. "Where you think I learned it from, Miss Sassy Pants... Hmmm?"

"Not Meeee!! You're the Dad... I'm the kid, Mr. Bratty Pants!!" Casie shouts back while trying to wiggle away. "Loooooney, help meeee!" She cries out in laughter.

"Come're!! Quick!!" Luna opens her arms as Casie scrambles onto her lap; barely fitting as she wraps her arms around the girl and tucks her under her body causing Colson to stop and pretend that Casie has disappeared.

"Where'd she go?" He asks the table as they all respond with I don't know's and chuckles; they're really cute to watch as Casie pokes her head out from in between Luna's chin and arm.

"Daaad... I'm almost 11yrs old. When will you figure out I'm not invisible?" She asks him while rolling her eyes.

"Did you hear that?" Luna looks around before grinning at Colson. "I thought I heard Dilla but I don't see her... ? You think she went to the bathroom by herself?" Luna asks with a smile.

"I don't know... But WE OUT sooooo... She better come back soon." Colson muses as he stands up.

With that Casie bursts out of Luna's arms, her force almost knocking the tattooed beauty and chair backwards. Standing with her hand cocked on her hip, Luna and the table try to hold their laughter.

"I KNOW you can see ME, DAD." She asserts.

"Did someone hear a mouse... ? Maybe we should call pest control to catch that little sucker... " He teases looking up towards the ceiling.

"DAD." Casie stomps her foot just as Slim sneaks up from behind before scooping her up to her shock.

"I think I found it, Kells!!" Slim declares as he throws her over his shoulder.

"Mouse Soup for dinner?" Baze asks while they begin to collect their things.

"I heard mice from Cleveland are especially delicious." Rook joins in.

Leading the pack with Casie over his shoulder, Slim begins to chant: 🎶A cooking we will go. A cooking we will go. Got a mouse for on the stove, so a cooking we will go🎶

Colson, Baze, AJ and Rook repeat the impromptu song with him to Casie's laughing resistance as they head out of the diner. The five others following in line with their singing parade. Luna stops to pay, apologize and thank them for their service.

"That your little girl?" The lady asks.

"Oh no... " Luna starts to brush her off out of instinct before catching herself. "Actually. Yeah. She is mine." Luna smiles at the confused woman, thinking of her CasieDilla.


Colson, Casie, Luna, Sam, Rook and Benny are in an Uber together headed back to The South Side Ballroom as the rest follow behind in different vehicles. It's the spot for tonight's gig. Driving up on it, they can see a line of people camping out front.

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