Rankings and Victor

Start from the beginning

9th - DESTINY HAREWENT was the shy and timid girl from District 10. Her alliance with her brother was greatly admired by the citizens of the Capitol, and the two's great loyalty towards one another was sweet. Although Destiny was considered a bit of an underdog, being unsponsered and recieving a 6 in training, she pushed through and surprised everyone by making it incredibly far, only just being nudged out of the semi finals by one vote.

8th - CAELLA SILLOWS was the brave and kind soul from District 3. Her loyalty to her friends was admired, and she grew to be a favourite amongst the capitol. Although she wasn't violent, she was offered a place in the careers, and they all helped her progress further in the games. Caella fought through many different situations, becoming quite a strong contender in the games, but ultimately she perished in the factory.

7th - WINTER HARLEY was the rebellious and strong girl from District 7. She was a threat from the start, earning herself a 10 in training and finding a place amongst the careers. The careers this year were not overly violent, unlike some other years, but Winter was willing to kill to get back home. It was clear her and her fellow career Aero Luzi had a thing going on, and the two managed to survive all teh way up to the semi finals. She spoke of finishing what her parents started, of trying to get back home to change things and to stop the games, and this mindset is probably what got her targeted by the gamemakers, and ultimately killed in the factory.

6th - AERO LUZI was the strong career leader from District 6. With the highest training score of 11, he was definitely one to watch. Brave, laid back, and optimistic, Aero seizes the day and never backs down from a challenge. Despite his friendly nature, he is able to kill. Brutal when he needed to be, Aero and his alliance steamrolled their way through their competition, only losing a few along the way. His little romance with Winter Harley managed to stir up some sponsers and some interest, and the two made it all the way to the semi finals. He managed to fight through many situations, becoming a very strong contender in these games, but ultimately he perished in the factory.

5th - ASPEN BARKER was the kind boy from District 7. Kind and thoughtful, Aspen might have seemed a bit soft to some people, but he proved his worth by killing. Earning himself a 7 in training, Aspen was able to fight through tough situations, having been on the chopping block before but making it through. Although he was originally in an alliance with Ashler, Rye and Ash, those three perished in the bloodbath, leaving Aspen on his own for the majority of the games. After forming a temporary alliance with Alexander Lacey and Stone Everglade, the three of them took on the careers in the factory and, even though Aspen perished, he managed to take down three of the careers with him.

4th - ALEXANDER LACEY was the young psycho from district 5, who was sent into the arena along with his twin Averlyn, who perished in the nightmares task. Although at first Alexander was evil, and was feared by the other tributes, when the loved ones were sent in Alexander seemed to change. Seeing his mother seemed to break something in him, and his evil nature began to chip away. He formed an alliance with Aspen Barker and Stone Everglade for a few tasks, and the three of them were quite strong, being able to take down three of the careers in the factory, but unfortunately losing Aspen as well. Stone and Alex went onto the finals along with careers Clara and Clement and, although Alex fought hard, he was the first to fall victim to the zombies.

3rd - CLARA CLEARWATER was the headstrong and rebellious career from District 4. This girl was a threat from the start, earning herself a 10 and a sponsor. Her bright blue hair and her wit made her easily stand out amongst the other tributes and, despite being stuck up at times, she was one of the favourites amongst the Capitol. Although she was funny and carefree, Clara had no problem killing off her competition, and with her career alliance she bulldozed through the competition. As their time in the arena lengthened, Clara and Clement developed feelings for each other and became very close. Although Clara fought valiantly, in the end it wasn't enough and she fell victim to the zombies, landing herself a position in 3rd place.












First and Second place were so close, only one vote seperated them!

Without further ado, here is your runner up and your victor












2nd - CLEMENT JANWERD JR was the career from District 1. Managing to snag a 9 and a sponser, Clement was one of the tributes that was closely watched. His backstory shocked everyone, and discovering that he had commited murder was a shock to many people. Clement was quite nice and friendly, that is, if you were on his good side, however you might not be able to tell because of his sarcasm. He had a bit of a soft spot for his alliance members, espiecally Clara Clearwater from District 4. Clement was able to kill easily, and despite being a bit misunderstood, he managed to make his way through the arena, fighting through difficult situations. Clement made it to the finals with Clara by his side but, when she fell victim to the zombies, so did Clement a few minutes later, earning him second place.

1st - STONE EVERGLADE was the suicidal boy from District 11. Managing to score himself a 10 and a sponser, he was certainly one to watch. After the bloodbath, he seemed to have an epiphany of some sort and tried to do something with his time in the arena by trying to save the weaker tributes. He was quite negative and depressed, and attempted suicide several times in arena, including in the finals after he had won, but don't worry, Stone had been revived and is fine. When it was discovered that he was forced to kill his sister Petra, many people were shocked at his backstory. Stone really seemed to grow during his time in the arena and, whilst he might have wanted his allies to win instead of him, he shockingly and surprisingly came out on top.

Your victor is Stone Everglade, District 11.

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