6 | Plagued by what ifs

Start from the beginning

"Harry?" She laid her hand on his shoulder and turned him towards her. "What's wrong?"

He looked at her, and that was a mistake. Covered in dirt, sweat, and blood, he'd never seen anything so beautiful. Her dark eyes filled with heartbreak but so much purpose, the need to go on. Merlin, he hoped she didn't hate him after what he was about to do. Maybe, one day things would be different, but not now. And he couldn't expect her to wait for him to do what was right for the wizarding world over her. That would be unfair.

Even if he'd met the one witch for him when he was eleven years old, didn't mean that he was it for her. He'd made her wait long enough, he wouldn't do that for any longer.

Her hand slid down his arm until she held his hand. She squeezed it. "What's wrong? Talk to me."

He licked chapped lips and cleared his throat. Why was this so difficult? Shouldn't it be easy to tell the love of your life this wasn't the right time?

The world hated him, he was sure about that.

Her face paled. "Are you hurt?" She took a step back, looking him over. When she didn't see anything, she took a step closer, and he saw every shade of brown in her bright eyes. He gulped, looking down at her dried lips. He wanted to kiss her. He still remembered the feel of them against his own. If he concentrated, he could forget the world, his responsibilities, his duty- "Everyone's worried about you," she added, and it kicked him back to reality.

Forget his responsibilities or his duty to his people?


"Say something. You're worrying me," she whispered, reaching up and caressing his cheek.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped back, away from her reach.

Her forehead furrowed. "Harry?"

"I'm fine," he told her, sliding his hands into his pockets. Concentrate on what you need to do, Potter.

She tilted her head. "If you say so." She didn't believe him. Why did she have to know him so well? "Listen," she started. "There's something I need to tell you."

His heart dropped. No, please don't say it. Please don't do it.

She took a step forward, but he stepped back. Her eyes narrowed, but she kept following until he was backed against the wall of the corridor. A picture frame dug into his back.

"I- We broke up, and it was for a good reason, but that reason's gone now. Voldemort can't hurt me. He can't hurt any of us anymore. He's gone, and I want to be with you." She smiled softly. "I want to be with you. This past year I've thought about it, about us a lot, and I love you." An uneven breath spilled from her lips, but she bit it down and tried again. "We've all lost a lot, and I just love you. Okay? I love you, and I want to be with you. Please, just say something. Why are you shaking your-"

"No, Ginny." She needed to stop. His heart broke with every word she said.

Her eyes widened. "What?"

"Ginny-" He stopped and cleared his throat. What was this pain in his chest? Maybe what'd finally do him in was heartbreak. Funny. He exhaled, pushing his glasses up. "It's not the right time."

"What does that mean?" Her eyebrows rose. "The right time to love each other? Is that what you're saying? Harry, c'mon. You, better than anyone, know that life's unpredictable. Honestly, I think right now is a perfect time." She crowded him against the wall, but he held his hands up, stopping her from getting too close.

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