She looked towards the bar. "Yeah, I'll have-"

"Oh, no. We'll have our drinks somewhere secure where we can discuss this job without any disturbances." He nodded toward the front door, and Ginny had no choice but to follow.


It'd been the longest week Harry had in a while, and he was no closer to figuring out Fyrefox's identity then when this all started. The stress added to his already fitful sleep, and for some reason, he couldn't get his mind off that woman from the Ministry earlier. She wasn't physically familiar, though her voice had poked at something, but not enough to recognize. She'd acted oddly after he helped her, almost as if she knew who he was. Well, he guessed that wasn't too far off. He was Harry Potter, after all.

He set his jaw, rubbing his forehead. A headache was at large.

He'd forever live with being the Chosen One. After the Second War, he'd hoped he'd be able to have a normal life, but life just never seemed to go the way he wanted it to. It'd been foolish of him to think otherwise.

He entered the Leaky Cauldron to get some lunch when he spotted Neville and Luna sitting at a table. He smiled. What a pleasant surprise. Since Neville took the Herbology position at Hogwarts, Harry hadn't seen much of his friend. Plus, this was also a good opportunity to see if anyone at the school had heard about Fyrefox. With Neville working there for about a year, maybe he could ask the man to set up a meeting with McGonagall. Maybe there was some background information there. That had to be where he heard the name and why it was familiar. Not to mention the warning urged him on.

"You're next. Fyrefox."

He frowned as he made his way to the bar and ordered a Butterbeer from Hannah.

She smiled. "Harry! How's everything going?"

"Tiring," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "And you?"

"I'm great. Let me get you that Butterbeer." She moved down to get it for him.

As she did, he turned in his seat to see Neville and Luna in a deep discussion. She leaned over the table, pointing her fork at him. Luna was worked up over something. Weird. He shook his head and noticed Hannah waving her wand, a cloth cleaning the bar.

Harry never would've thought the two of them would get together, but maybe he wasn't the best one to figure who would end up with who. He sighed, took off his glasses and rubbed his face. Merlin, he was in an odd place today. He needed something for this case or he'd start to lose his mind. He was too focused on it. It was all he thought about.

Maybe this whole deal with Robards was a bad idea.

Hannah laid a glass in front of him, and he smiled gratefully. He took a sip.

He should get to talking with Neville. He got to his feet, glass in hand, and started for Neville and Luna when he caught sight of the most beautiful redhead he'd ever seen in his life. The fireplace in the corner set her aflame, and he was mesmerized. It was her, he'd recognize her even she was facing away from him. Ginny. The haunter of his dreams, equally as troublesome as the nightmares. 

He'd recognize her anywhere, and a deep dread filled him when he noticed the man on the other side of her.

Draco Malfoy.

His heart skipped a beat, and he veered towards them when Malfoy noticed him. He said something to her. She looked towards the bar, but Malfoy nodded to the front door and off they went.

Harry's heart dropped when Malfoy laid his hand on Ginny's lower back, winked at Harry over her shoulder, but then they were out the door, two loud cracks following.

A cold bitter feeling in the pit of his stomach spread through him while he reminded himself it wasn't any of his business who Ginny went around with. He'd broken up with her, he'd lied, said things when the Final Battle was finished. But he was still heartbroken watching her with another man. Even worse that it was Malfoy.

But the worst, though, was he had no one else to blame but himself for the pain he was feeling. It was his fault, after all.


Ah, Harry sees Ginny for the first time in ages... or that he knows of. And who is she with? Sounds about right. And all that pain poor Harry's dealing with. But he brought it upon himself. And a new job offer for Ginny. What is she going to get? What about the peace offering between the M.o.M and MACUSA? Well, as always, thank you to all my new and old readers. New ones, I hope you're enjoying BAD. Old/re-readers, I love you guys so freaking much. It's because of you this story has reached almost 400k+ reads. I appreciate you so much even if I go radio silent a lot. You're why I keep coming back. You're why BAD is still here, and I plan to keep it going for a few more pieces <3

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