
213 14 8

sehuning @by0unggon
bye dream team n moonlights
crossover was so hot BYEEEE

replying to @by0unggon

replying to @by0unggon
hyomin this hyomin that
hyomin everywhere

replying to @by0unggon
fr tho like even the dt girls cross
with the ml boys like yea thats Sexy

from: youngmin
hi, umm if you're free tmr afternoon
let's just, talk maybe? lmk

from: hyunjoo!!! [5]
dayeon SHUT UP tell me what
the FUCKKK is going on

from: woong [2]
dayeon whatever that i told you
two nights ago at your front

forget it if you need to i dont
know where it came from and
i dont think i have a right to say it

to: woong
i get it
its fine i was just a little
taken aback

thanks for everything
though like really

from: woong
ill be here

LEE DAYEON contemplated it — taking a break from the dance crew; to focus on college, then go back to daejeon to stay with her dad for a little while, just to get her mind off things. that or she just wants to avoid youngmin and woong at all costs. she's leaning more towards the latter.

"i think i should go back home," she confides in areum. "i mean, you saw everything and, i'm just not ready to face either of them, you get me? but if i'm going to continue being here then it's just going to be weird with youngmin as the leader and woong–" dayeon struggles to find the words to tell the younger girl. "–he's just a whole different story."

areum's features twist in distress, concern evident on her face. "i know shit's tough," she purses her lips together. "and about youngmin — now that the whole crossover is done and dusted, at least you won't see him all over his ex-girlfriend again. and i guess you just, have to see him as the crew leader and, not your ex-boyfriend."

dayeon frowns, but agrees with her. after all, she needs to learn to put her personal feelings aside. she'd have to deal with woong and the whole issue between the both of them another time, though.

"is it selfish of me if i just want to run away from the both of them? i mean, i caught youngmin cheating on me and woong just," she pauses. "gave me a reality check that i never actually talked things out and ended things nicely with him. feels sucky."

she didn't know how to work around her emotions, especially when her two relationships in a span of only a mere few months both ended because there was a third party involved. dayeon had learnt how to suppress them, push them away, that now when it was time to actually face them, she doesn't know the way to.

"i guess so. but that's all on you," areum shrugs. "and you should talk to youngmin. he asked for the talk, maybe then you can tell him you need a break from the crew as a whole. you know how he is, i'm sure he'll understand where you're coming from."

and so dayeon finds herself sitting in front of youngmin, awkwardly (endlessly) stirring her iced tea with her straw, unable to lift her gaze up to meet his. it's a little nerve-wracking and it's killing her insides. maybe she should have taken a rain check on this.

"i know it's been like, two weeks, yeah," he speaks, finally, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth with his teeth. "i just wanted you to know that there's nothing with hyori and i, she– she blocked me off everything after the crossover was done. i don't know why i told you that but, you know?"

and dayeon starts to regret it. a part of her regrets staying behind and entering the room and walking in on her boyfriend making out with another girl. a part of her is beating herself up for doubting it, for contemplating it, for believing woong. as toxic as it sounds, she'd rather be kept in the dark about it, had she known that it was just going to be a one time thing. maybe now she would still be dating the man before her. maybe now her legs would stop shaking under the table from all the nervousness.

she can only give him a sympathetic smile. if she was honest with herself she'd admit she would take youngmin back in a heartbeat. she'd admit she was ready to look past this one flaw in the relationship that can't be helped. but was dayeon willing to look pathetic and easy? that's the last thing she would ever want. she's gotten hurt enough and she thinks– knows, that one more push and she's done for.

they talk. for a moment she forgets everything they talk about because she's too caught up in trying to forget that she still has feelings lingering for him in almost every living cell inside her.

and then she breaks it out to him. "i need a break."

"from dream team?" he asks, the smallest hint of worry and disappointment laced in his tone. "are you going somewhere?"

she shakes her head. "yeah, i just, need a break from things. everything," she exhales deeply. "you and me, from woong, from all that has happened in the past few months. and i want to focus on college and, i'm going back to my dad's place in daejeon."

"oh," his voice comes out small. "okay. take as long as you need, we'll be waiting for you to come back." he still manages to give her a smile. the prettiest, brightest smile. "promise me you'll tell me when you leave for daejeon?"

dayeon wants to cry. again. what is he going to do? go down to the bus station at seven in the morning to send her off? her head tells her that it's just going to make her end up pouring all her heart out to him again.

"promise," she gives in. again.


man this is the most half assed filler chapter eva... and im a week late again bc im so tired like damn ma im TIRED

also im more active on tumblr so u can! follow me on tumblr im 6ixfics on there and its just a bunch of drabbles so thats fun i guess!!! haha!!!!

n we r almost at 5k... and i still have 10 or less votes every chapter like pls dont do this to me i need motivation and im just. doing horribly rn pls give me motivation i need it 😁

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