scene 117- so far

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Twilight sat up, running the sleep from his eyes. He looked around and remembered yesterday's events.

He climbed out of his sleeping bag and looked over at Wild. Still asleep. He walked over to the rail and looked at the others. Also still asleep. Time was still in the corner. At least he seemed to be asleep.

He went downstairs and found some food. Hopefully Wild wouldn't mind if he took some. He carefully made his way to the table, making sure that he didn't step on anyone. He sat down and began eating.

He looked over at the window. He had forgotten that it had been broken. He looked down at the plate in front of him and sighed.
For some reason- he didn't know why- he felt like he wanted to cry. Not for any particular reason. Maybe it was because of everything that happened yesterday. He was overwhelmed. He didn't know what would happen to Wild.

He put the fork down and put his hands on his face. So many different things were going on. He didn't know if he could handle all of it.

He put a hand over his chest and took a deep breath. He looked back outside. He pushed the chair back and stood up. He walked over to the door. He stood there for a moment before opening it and stepping outside. He shut the door behind him and leaned against it. He looked up at the sky.

He was afraid. Something was going to happen. A dreading feeling. Why did he feel this way?

Something about Wild. And the number three. And his Zelda. And the castle. And a note. And... someone else. And a rope. And a bottle. A drink. That... thing Time told him about. The vision. Where Wild drank something. Said third time's a charm.

Felt like something was squeezing his chest.
He slid down to the ground.
Put a hand over his chest again.
Gasping for breath.

What would happen? Was it something important? Something bad? Was he just overthinking it? Or did it really mean something?
What was Wild going to do? Could he stop it? Keep it from happening?

Knot. Plant. Tree. Drink. Note. Slate. Book. Word. Tears. Regret. Three. Back. Castle. Sorry. Mix. Elixir. Research. Rope. Same. Nothing. Can't. See. You. Hurt. Self. Again. Three. Stop. Stress. Finish. Done. Alone. Again. Help. Watch. Time. Stay. Hook. Three.


A light breeze. The absence of a breeze. Safe. Inside. Tamed. Breath. Cold. Civilized. Controlled.

He took a deep breath. He had to calm down.

Down. Underground. Underneath.
Something, something, something.
Three. Again. Why did that keep coming up? Three. It was... a number. It was definitely a number.

Couldn't thing straight. Of course three was a number. It was an important one, too. Three goddesses. The Triforce. The number of times Wild- wait, no. That was two. Not three...
Wild was the one saying third time's a charm. Wild said he was sorry. Wild was sitting next to someone lying on the ground.

Twilight shook his head. He was being crazy. But... what if... what if...
Ah, he couldn't do this. He needed to just stop thinking. But not like how Wild liked to solve things like this. Definitely not. That was much too drastic for a bit of anxiety.

Jeez, he was thinking dark. Too dark for his liking. Wild wouldn't do it again, would he? No, that would he crazy. Absolutely insane.

Of course, Wild tended to he unpredictable at times. Wild. It fit.

He sighed. These things could be so hard sometimes. All this ominous stuff... Well, it couldn't help to worry incessantly about it.

Someone stuck their head out the window near the door. He looked over and saw Wind.

"Hey, Twi. Whatcha doing out here?"
"Oh, you know, just worrying about stupid things."
"Oh. I figured."
"Do I really do this that much?"
"Yeah, I guess."

Twilight noticed that Wind wasn't being his usual bubbly self. That made sense, since was nearly killed by Wild, but it was still odd to see Wind so dull. Of course, he had seen him like this twice before, but those were both times when pretty much everyone was down in the dumps.

He stood up and went inside, saying,
"So, how're you feeling?"
Wind shrugged, wincing. He muttered something to himself and rubbed his arm, looking down.
"I'm okay. My arm hurts a lot, but I'm fine."
"You should still get that checked out. Maybe you could ask Time to help."

Wind looked up at him.
"Oh, about that... That's what I came to tell you about."
He pointed over at Time, who was still sitting in the corner. However, now, he was mumbling and grasping onto his hair, looking down. It looked almost as if he was about to pull his hair out.

Twilight walked over. As he got closer, what Time was saying became clearer.

"Third time's a charm, third time's a charm, third time's a charm..."
From behind him, he heard Wind say,
"He's been saying that over and over again for a while now. Dunno what's up with him."

Twilight reached out his hand to touch Time, but then he pulled it back. He wasn't sure what to do about this.

This was... odd, to say the least. But what did he really expect? Everything had been odd recently. Out of the ordinary.

He had never seen Time doing something like this. Wild, sure, but not Time. Time was usually calm and collected. He was usually in control. He never broke down like this.
And it scared him.

It wasn't supposed to be Time.
It was never Time.
It couldn't be Time.

Not yet.

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