scene 104- her

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Wild jerked his head up when he noticed that someone was appearing in the center of camp.
Was it Morgan?
Not that he wanted to see her- he just wanted his sword back.

It was her.
He stood up, glaring at her.
If looks could kill... well, she'd be dead.

She smiled apologetically at him and said,
"I know you probably hate me, but-"
"Damn right I do," he hissed, stomping up to her. "You lied to me."

She dropped her gaze, frowning. Her shoulders drooped as she spoke.
"I knew it."
She gave him the sword and snapped her fingers, teleporting away.


Everything she did... it was all just a waste. She ruined her chances with him. And she didn't save her sister. It didn't work. She had been too cocky. Too eager.

And she failed. Failed at the only thing she wanted.
She was a terrible person.
She had abandoned her sister at that awful place. Then, when she went back to get her, she failed. She got caught. She only just escaped.

And when she went to give him his sword back...

She let out a sob, burying her head on her hands.

What a useless, terrible person she was.

He'd never forgive her.


He watched the paper float to the ground, feeling terrible.

What had he done?
He had upset her so much.
She didn't do anything wrong.
In fact, she may have saved him.
She may have saved all of them.

And he made her sad.

At least he hadn't hurt her.
Although, he knew that if he had a weapon on him, he definitely would have hurt her.

"Wild? Are you okay?"

"I... I didn't mean to... I didn't realize..."

He looked down and swallowed back tears.

She'd never forgive him.


Where was he?
She had something to ask him.
Where was he?
She had something to tell him.
Where was he?

It wasn't that important.
Where was he?
She could do without him.
Where was he?
Just for a bit.
Where was he?

There he was.
But he looked troubled.
What was wrong?

A sigh.
"Is something wrong?"
"I got angry at Morgan and now she's upset."


"Ah. Maybe... you should apologize to her?"
He looked up at her with teary eyes.
"I don't know were she went. Anyway, she'd never forgive me."

Wrong thing to say.
There was never really anything she could say to him when he was upset.

"Why is she angry at you?"
"She isn't angry. I'm the one that got angry."
"Is there something you aren't telling me?"

He looked away, clenching his fists.
"She's a Yiga."

She gasped and covered her mouth.
"A-a Yiga?"
"Well, I don't think she is anymore. But she lied to me."

He sighed and walked away, leaving her alone.

That bitch.
Hurting him like this.

She curled her fingers into tight fists, her shoulders tense.


Should she just go back? Would that be best, for both her and her sister?

She shook her head.
That was crazy. And not to mention stupid.

But she couldn't go back to him. He'd hate her. She'd hate her. They'd all hate her.

She stood up and snapped her fingers, promptly teleported to the Great Plateau. Before her was the River of the Dead.

She snapped again, and a cloak appeared around her shoulders.
She sat down and sighed.


He took out the Sheikah slate and looked for a place to go.
One name in particular caught his eye. River of the Dead.

He teleported to the nearby shrine.
As soon as he got there, he donned his Snowquill outfit and began to walk to the river.

Across the river sat a shadowy figure. He shrugged and sat down on the rverbank.

What an odd name. River of the Dead. Was that supposed to mean something? After all, there was forest on the Great Plateau called the Forest of Spirits.

It was a stupid name.
It didn't mean what it seemed to, right?

Maybe this was the place he'd do it nex-
He really should stop thinking about that.
It wasn't good.
It wasn't good for him.

He sighed and looked up.

That person...


She squinted, then gasped.
She hadn't quite recognized him in that outfit.
But it was him, all right.
Right there, across the river.

He looked away.

She looked down.

He wasn't there. She could just ignore him.

She wouldn't bother him anymore.


He sighed.
She barely even looked at him.
She was acting like he didn't exist.
That hurt.

It was as if he was just another person.
To her, he probably was.
He didn't matter to her.
He didn't matter to anyone.

Not really.
Not truly.


"If anything happens, stay in Castle Town. I'll keep you safe. I promise."
"Shh. It'll be fine. Trust me, Mom. Trust me."

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