She went back to his body, crouching beside him. Unconscious, with his expression slack, he looked much more like John again. She laid him out and pulled zip ties from her vest securing his wrists and ankles. She stood and pulled her stunner, positioning herself so she could protect him if Phoebus found them.

Kai's comm activated a short time later. "Kai, we've been requested to put the Colonel in front of the nearest security camera."

"Understood." Kai replied. She chewed on her lip thoughtfully. She was pretty sure the nearest camera was down the next corridor. She tucked the stunner into her belt, grabbed the shoulders of his vest and dragged him across the floor. Once he was laying where he would be fully visible she straightened.

The overhead comms activated in the section. "I'm not surprised that you were the only one who managed to catch him," Weir's voice was a sensual purr. "The only one to ever get to John Sheppard."

Kai stared up at the camera with a glare. "What do you want?" she demanded. She refused to rise to the other woman's baiting especially knowing every single person in the control room was listening to their conversation.

Phoebus let out a peel of laughter but didn't bother with a reply. She was having too much fun, and her victory was so close she could taste it. "We're just going to wait until he regains consciousness."

Kai crouched beside Sheppard waiting for the stunner to wear off. When he stirred she pulled her stunner back out of it's holster and aimed it at his chest. She wasn't taking any chances.

He froze looking up at her as though he was surprised to see her. "Kai," he said and a pleased smile lit his face. "Not bad for a girl," he joked. "I suppose you volunteered for this mess too?"

Kai scowled at their old jokes. The words were right, but something felt wrong.

He must have seen her doubt on her face because his expression turned gentle. "It's me," he implored staring up at her, his eyes wide and sincere.

Kai cocked her head, unwilling to trust it. He pushed himself up and reached for her. His hands, though still bound, were gentle as they cupped the side of her face.

"Thank god it was you and not one of Caldwell's marines," he muttered and his fingers locked against the nape of her neck as he tried to pull her down to kiss him.

Kai froze, this wasn't Sheppard. Sheppard had spent the last few weeks being angry with her over her decision to leave. Yes, he had kissed her before, but he would never repeat the gesture when they were in front of a camera with the control room watching. John was more private than that.

Kai pulled back and hoping she was right, headbutted him. His head snapped back and he lost his balance with his hands still tied. He hit the ground and hissed in pain. He shoved himself back up onto his elbows, and Thalen contorted John's face into a mask of rage.

Kai snorted. "Hello Thalen," she greeted. She leaned towards him. "Don't waste your energy trying to convince me you're John," she said resolutely.

"Don't you see what they're doing?" Thalen exclaimed, still trying to sell the lie. "They're pitting us against each other! You of all people know me!"

Kai reached out telepathically and touched the connection, but there was still nothing on the other side. She was totally alone. She swallowed back the inherent fear that went along with that and forced her face into an expressionless mask. She had originally only thought about John's knowledge of her fighting skills and tactics, it had never occurred to her that Thalen could use John's memories to hurt her on a personal level. She had never allowed herself to be vulnerable in this way before and she couldn't give him anything else he could use to hurt her.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now