Ch. 30 The Pacifier

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Disclaimer: all rights to Rick Riordan! 14.22k thank you guys so much!!! Guys I'm really happy! Idea credit to @NicodiAngelofan P.s. I have a serious question for you to answer at the end of this chapter. If you could look at that, I would be really happy!!
•Percy's POV•
The next day I was so tired, but it was worth it. We didn't wake up until 11:00 ish... I shake everyone awake and tell them we need to get up. When they're all up, I go to wake Nico up. "Hey, squirt. Time to wake up," I say. He turns over and pulls the blanket closer. "Come on, squirt. We have to get up," I try again. He slowly opens his eyes and tries to sit up. I quickly sweep him up. He laughs loudly and is now wide awake. I quickly get him dressed and we all head out to go get food. We all get our food and sit down at a table. I ask the glass for baby formula for Nico. I pour it into a bottle and give it to Nico. We all start to eat and just talk. When Nico's done with his bottle I burp him. "No! I don't want to go! I refuse!" We hear someone yell. Everyone looks over and we see Drew freaking out about leaving and Evelyn trying to get her to go into the portal. We watch until Evelyn loses her patience and pushes her into the portal. After that, Nico and I head back to the cabin and the gang would join in a little bit. Nico quickly crawls over to Loki and grabs him. He lays down and tries to put his blanket on himself. I walk over to him and help him out. "Paci," he says motioning to his mouth to show that he means the pacifier. I nod and go to find the pacifier. I look in the bag, in his crib, all over my cabin but I could not find his pacifier. Nico kept begging for it and every time I told him I couldn't find it, he kept asking for it. "Guys, he wants his pacifier and I can't find it! I looked all over and I can't find it!" I freak out when the gang comes into my cabin. Nico was repeating, "paci!" from the crib where I put him so I could look for the pacifier. "What? You lost the pacifier!" They all shout causing Nico to start crying. "No, no. Don't cry, squirt. It's okay. You're okay, we'll find the pacifier. Shhh, shhh, don't cry," I coax as I pick him up out of the crib and rock him. He stops crying and I put him back in the crib and give him Loki. He sits down and looks at me with big, sad, brown eyes and ask, "Perce? Paci?" And I couldn't tell him no, or I lost it. I was basically goo. "Yes, squirt. I'm looking for it," I tell him. He gives me a small smile and I swear, right there, I was dead. It was the cutest thing ever! I smile back and I tell the others, "we have to find that pacifier." They nod in agreement and they help me look for the pacifier. "Guys, could we like make posters? And hang them around camp asking if they've seen it?" Leo says as he looks under the crib. "Leo, what is wrong with you? I really wonder what goes on up in your head" Piper asks. "It was a suggestion, geez woman!" Leo exclaims. We laugh at them and then we go back to searching. After the 3rd time searching the cabin we give up. "Paci!" Nico yells from his crib. "Nico, I know you want your pacifier, but we can't find it," I try to explain to him. His bottom lip sticks out and starts to tremble and I start panicking. "No, no. Please don't cry! Come on, buddy. Don't cry, you'll make me cry," I say. He nods and I look at my friends, 'what should we do?' I mouth to them. All of them shrug until Annabeth jumps up and says, "I know! I know!" "What, what do you know!" I say excitedly. "Let's asks Chiron," she tells me. "Oh, yeah. Lets do that," I say. I pick Nico up and we all head to the big house. "Hey, Chiron, we're missing Nico's pacifier. Like we can't find it at all," I tell him. "Huh, no ones turned a pacifier in to the big house. By the way I've been meaning to ask you, Drew said she needed to talk to you this morning, something about saying sorry to Nico. Did she ever say sorry? I have a feeling she didn't," Chiron tells us. "No, she never came to talk to me. Where did she look?" I asks. "She went in your cabin when I left her," he told me. "Oh, well, we were probably at breakfast. Ok, we should probably go. Thanks anyway Chiron," I say as we leave. "Do you guys think Drew took it when she went into your cabin?" Piper asks. "It's possible. Maybe we should head over to Camp Jupiter," Jason suggest. "Yeah, let's do it. Pack a couple of clothes. We should stay for a while," Annabeth says. We all nod and split up. I take Nico back to the cabin and we start packing. I gave Nico Loki to play with and that has been distracting him for a bit. When I'm done packing I text Annabeth to ask her where and when should we all meet up. She says at the strawberry field and at 12:00. I look at the time and it says: 11:47. Ok we have about 10 minutes. I sit down next to Nico and play with him before we head to the strawberry field.
Ok so the question is: should I have Sarah and Leo brake up and have Calypso come in and date Leo while I give Sarah some made up character? Tell me what you think!

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