Ch.29 doctor who and sherlock marathon

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Disclaimer: all rights go to Rick Riordan... Thank you all for the amazing comments!! It really helped. So I dedicate this chapter to all of you guys. Thanks so much!! Xx sorry this so short, I wanted to get it up for you guys.
~Percy's POV~
As Nico napped, we all talked about what happened with Drew and Evelyn. "It completely and utterly terrible what they did," Jason says. "I don't get why Evelyn would do that. She's really nice, I just don't understand. Drew I understand, but still. He's a baby," Annabeth says. "Maybe we should confront Evelyn. She could tell us something, hopefully," Sarah suggest. "I don't know, I'm still upset with her," I say. "I really trusted her to watch Nico, but instead she abused him. He doesn't even like taking baths that much anymore." We sat in silence for awhile before Leo broke it, "I say we play monopoly until Nico wakes up." We all agree. This time Leo has like no property and is complaining because Sarah has almost all of it. "Saraaaaaaaah!" He whines. "It's called karma, Leo. Embrace it," she replies with a smirk. We play for about an hour before Nico wakes up. He has Loki clutched to his chest with the pacifier stuck in his mouth and his blanket hanging loosely from his hand. "Hey squirt," I pick him up out of his crib and held him close. He hummed against the pacifier in content. I sat back down with him in my lap as the others finished the game. When they finished, the horn blew signaling it was time for lunch. We put the game away and head down to the dining pavilion. We got our food and burned a portion of it for the gods and sat down our table. I handed Nico his bottle and I ate my pizza. We all talked for awhile before heading back to the cabin. The girls left to go do something so it was just me, Jason, Leo, and Nico. "So what should we do?" Jason asked. "Monopoly!" Leo shouts. "No!" Jason and I yell. "Gesh..." He mutters. "What if... Yeah I have nothing." I say. "Ohhh let's watch Sherlock!" Jason exclaims. "Yes! Sarah has made me watch a lot of that show and I'm obsessed now," Leo says as he jumps around. "Ok, sure. But after Sherlock we're watching Doctor Who!" I say. "Yeah, sure," Leo says. We lay blankets and pillows all over the floor and lie down as we watch Sherlock from my laptop. We were all so obsessed in watching the show, including Nico, we didn't notice the girls came in until they lied down next to us. After watching a couple of episodes of Sherlock we went to get dinner. We all ate quickly and rushed back to the cabin to finish our movie night. In the middle of Doctor Who Nico fell asleep. But we stayed up until 3 in the morning watching a mix of Sherlock and Doctor Who.

Nico Di Angleo the Baby Ghost King?!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora