The final chapter...

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Ok, hey guys. I know I haven't updated in months and I'm very sorry. I don't know what say... but thank you so much for reading my story. 35.36k reads?! That's amazing guys, thank you so much! So I had you vote and here's what you voted for! Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this wild ride and it means a lot to me! This is the last chapter and I'm a bit up set about it, but nonetheless I hope you all enjoy it!
Percy's POV:
We were all being summoned to The Underworld for some unknown reason. To be honest I am so done with Hades' crap, I just wanna get this over with. When fycwe finally get to there we actually see Hades is fighting with Persephone. Once they see us they stop and just stare. "Well? What did you call us down here for?" I ask. Hades glares at me, I roll my eyes, the same stuff every time. "Well, Hades and I were talking and we agree that Nico didn't exactly get a childhood so we decided to leave him like this. What he has been through is horrifying and now his innocence will be back. We trust you all to take care of him. You can always call upon me if you ever need assistance. I'm sure Hades will also be of assistance for you, won't you honey?" Persephone asks him daring him to say no. "Of course...," he mumblesgy and rolls his eyes. Persephone gives us a kind smile and sends us on our way. When we arrive back at camp Hedge greets us with, "I've barely been gone and I'm already hearing you guys have got your self in trouble? I can't trust you guys can I?" We all smile at Coach and say hello. "What have you done to Nico?" He demanded. "We didn't do anything, it was Hades," we defend. "Let me get my bat and I'll beat some sense into him," Hedge threatens. "NO!" We all shout we'd rather him not get blown up into bits. We fill Hedge in on what has happened since his vacation with Millie and their kid. We were glad to have him back. Nico was asleep of course and I had to carry him around all day. But it was gonna be all worth it because I could finally start to make up for what happened with Bianca.
Well that's it! I hope you liked it! I tried to keep it short and simple. I don't think I'll be able to do a sequel, but if anyone wants to just send me a message and we'll talk. I just want to give an extra thank you to all those who have supported me all the way without a doubt no matter what. It has really meant a lot. I always get anxiety when I'm about to read your comments but I don't know why because you guys always make me smile. Thank you all so much for sticking with me even though I can sometimes be pretty horrible. And my writing was horrible so I apologize for that as well. I love you all and I wish the best for all of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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