Ch.17 Suprise Guest

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All rights belong to Rick Riordan! And I'm gonna start the story...but first let me take...a moment to thank all the people who commented telling me amazing things about my story and to those who voted for my story and even the ones who are just reading! I have like 940 or something reads on this story and it makes me feel so happy because I know I'm doing something right and making something someone enjoys! Love you guys so much! I would also appreciate if you read my other story, because it doesn't have many reads... On to the story, my good men (or women)!
~~~~ Nico's POV~~~~
As they ran in, I put my head down. When they sat down I expected them to laugh at me or make fun of me, but they didn't. Percy, who sat across from me but next to Annabeth, said "Come on, Nico, there's nothing to be embarrassed about! We won't judge you. Did Jason judge you when you told him?" "No, but...ugh! He was the only one who knew so it wasn't as bad as the whole camp knowing!" I tell him. He rolls his eyes and and says "it will blow over and nobody will even remember, soon enough." I sigh and lay my head down on the table. "Look, Nico, I didn't tell Drew. Piper came in my cabin this morning and it accidentally slipped out. But I made her promise not to tell. But she said it out loud not realizing Drew was there. I'm sorry." Jason explained. A waiter comes and they all order coffee and I get water. Coffee taste nasty, yuck! They talked for a while until we decide we had to head back. On our walk back Annabeth's phone started ringing. She answered it and talked to the person on the other line, but I didn't pay attention to what she was saying. She made a high pitched sound, which made my ears hurt, and finished the call. She looked at us and said "Thalia's coming tomorrow!" We all cheered. We haven't seen Thalia since the war. We started walking again and we when we got to the border, I stopped. I hesitated, Annabeth must have noticed because she said "come on Nico, it's okay. And if anyone makes fun of you. I'll beat them up. Just walk in there with your head up high and act as if it doesn't bother you." I nod and proceeded with the others. A couple people snickered, some whispered, but Annabeth, Percy and Jason glared at them and they stopped. We went back to Percy's cabin to hang out. Once we got back to his cabin we sat down and talked for a bit. The horn blew signifying it was time for dinner. We got up and went to the pavilion. We sat down and ate our food, after we made our offerings. After we finished dinner and we were on our way to the cabin, someone stopped us. "Hey, Perce! Can I talk to you?" The person asked. "Ya, sure. Hey, Nico why don't you go to Annabeth. She's right over there." Percy says and pointed to Annabeth where she's talking with Colton. I nodded and walk off. Once I get there, I pull on Annabeth's shirt so she knows I'm there. She smiles when she sees me and says "hey, Nico. I thought you were with Percy?" "I was but he had to talk to someone, so he sent me over here." I replied. She nodded, "ok. Colton and I were just talking. Do you want me to take you to cabin 3? Or do you want to stay here?" She asks. "I'll stay here." I say. Colton and Annabeth go back into their conversation before I here my name being called. "Nico! Come on, were heading to back to the cabin." Annabeth says. I nod and we begin walking. I didn't even realize Percy and the others had rejoined us until now. When we get to the cabin they all play 'never have I ever'. Which is when someone says never have I ever... and if you've done it you put down one finger, or you eat a grape. Depending on how you're playing. Eventually they finish off their bag of grapes and it's all ready 11:00. Jason looks at they window then says, "the harpies are out." They all groan and Percy says, "you guys can just sleep here. I'll grab some pillows and blankets out of the closet." After everyone is settled, Sarah, Piper, Jason, and Leo are on the floor. Annabeth, Percy and I are on the bed. I eventually fall asleep.
~~~~ Percy's POV~~~~
When I wake up, I get everyone else but Nico up. We clean the place up and get ready for the day. We all hang out and talk in hushed tones waiting for Thalia. After 5 minutes there is a knock on my door. Annabeth gets up and opens it. She hugs the person and I'm guessing it's Thalia. We all get up and hug her. Although, Jason and Thalia's reunion is a bit longer. We all sit back down, until Thalia some what notices Nico. "Um who's the kid?" She whispers. "Oh, um, ya. That..." I say. "did you get Annabeth pregnant?" She whisper yells at me. "No!" I say as the heat rises to my checks, I'm guessing Annabeth blushed to. "Then who is it?" She asks. "Go look for yourself" I tell her. She stands up and walks to the bed. She looks at him and her eyes get big and her mouth drops. We all smirk at her. She looks back at us and then at Nico. She comes back and says "is that Nico?" "Yes..." I say. "Is he...3?" "No, he's 4." I reply. ( ;) divergent fans) She raises an eyebrow and says "why? How?" "He and Hades got in a fight and ended with Nico being 4." Annabeth tells her. She nods slowly and says "he's so adorable!" We all nod. "How long has he been like that?" "A couple weeks maybe?" Jason guesses. We finish talking before Nico starts to wake up. We stuff Thalia in the closet to surprise Nico, he thinks she's coming this afternoon. "Hey, squirt!" I whisper to him as I sit next to him. "Hi" he says as he rubs his eyes. "How did you sleep?" I ask him. "Good" he says. "That's good. Hey can you grab me my sweatshirt from my closet?" I ask him. "Sure." He says and gets up and walks to the closet. Once he opens it he smiles and embraces Thalia in a leg hug, because that's all he can reach. She laughs and says "I missed you too!" "What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be here 'til the afternoon!" He exclaims happily. "I decided to come early! I leave for 3 months and you've already managed to become four! You were bad enough at the age of ten!" She said. "Hey! I was a curious kid!" He said in defense. She laughed and ruffled his hair. She stepped out of the closet with Nico still attached to her legs. "Hey Nico wanna get off my leg?" Thalia asked. He shook his head no and gripped tighter. "You're not gonna let go are you?" She asked him. He shook his head once again, and she sighed. "Who wants breakfast?" I asked. "I do!" Everyone shouted. As we made our way out, Thalia picked Nico off her leg and held him instead. Once we burned our offerings we sat down and talked about recent things. But mostly Nico. Filling her in on what has happened. When we got to his fear part, he put his head down. But to Nico's surprise she didn't laugh or snicker. She just gently rubbed circles on his back. We finished eating and we went to lake. We didn't swim but just hung out, before Nico got exhausted and fell asleep on the sand. I picked him up and laid him down on a towel. The rest of us played beach volleyball. It was boys v.s. girls. (Annabeth, Thalia, Piper, Sarah v.s. Jason, Leo, and I)
It ended up being a tie. Then we all laid down on the sand staring at the sky before it hit me. (And no, they sky didn't hit me) ( :) inside joke with my friend.) "guys!" I said. "What?" They replied. "We should do something!" "Like what?" Jason asked. "Take a nap." Thalia said. "No, we should go to the Santa Monica Pier!" I shouted. "Sure, we should invite Frank and Hazel since they would be in California." Annabeth said. "Ya." We al agreed.
I'm sorry! I haven't updated in forever! I've been really busy! I had outdoor ed, a English essay to write, had test, sport practices. I'm so sorry!
I used to cut. I'm 3 weeks clean. Almost 4. I've been wanting to cut so badly but I don't wanna do it. I'm having problems at home and at school. I just want it all to stop. I want everything to be over. But when I come home and write these fan fictions and get amazing comments, I know I should keep going. So I wanna thank you! Love you guys so much!!!

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