"Shut up! Are you saying I'm lying?!" I asked them. Idiots!

"NO! No ma! Noo!"

"Shut up!" I used the stick and hit the one in the middle.

"Jesus! But I wasn't talking! It was him." He spoke while crying as he pointed at the dude at his left hand side.

"Shut up! Stop lying! I know it was you that was talking!" I said as I felt the dizziness increase. I actually didn't know who said it. Confusion wrapped my head so I started flogging the three of them with the candy cane as they cried while shouting,

I'll not do it again!

I promise!


I ran to her quickly as I carried her by wrapping her waist in my arms and moving back.

"Let go of me!" She struggled but I didn't even budge. "I said let go of me!"

The three guys were busy crying in pain as their bodies were so red and swollen up. Why did she do that?!

"Dre let go!"

"No! Why are you hitting them?!" I asked the maniac called Gabriella.

"These tontos jacked my phone and tried to get away with it!" She said as she breathed heavily while dropping the stick in her hand.

I dropped her gently. "W-w-wait, your new one?"


"How dare-" I raised up my fist to punch the Blondie but she held my already positioned hand.

"Excuse me Dre. The time you could have been my Knight in shinning armour has passed. And by the way, this Empress doesn't need a Knight to fight her battles.


Crew: Oh Man!



You gotta be kidding me!

@drealempress: Stop your yapping! Remember! I'm the author and the director so to have to listen to me so everyone....CUT!

Crew groans in annoyance as they stop.

@drealempress: Young lady (she faces Gabriella) Uhh what hell did you just say? This what?

"What?...I just said I'm an Empress. What's wrong with that?"

Andrea and everyone gasped in surprise.

"Oh no she didn't?" Andrea said and she ate her popcorn from the place she sat.

"Oh yeah she did." Scarlet said as she sucked her Starbucks.

@drealempress: What's wrong with that? Are you shidding me? You're saying what's wrong with that?! I am the only Empress!

"Well newsflash sweetie I wanna be an Empress now."

"Preach Sister!" Andrea said and Gabriella gave her an air high five.

@drealempress: Well uhh even though you wanna be an Empress, I will forever remain D REAL one and you'll be the fake one.....HA! In your face!

"That is so cheesy. What is it with you and being cheesy?"

"Tell her!" Andrea shouted.

@drealempress: (Turns to face Andrea) What are you even doing here? You don't come up until after three or four chapters more.

"I'm bored, duhh? And besides, I came to see if Gabriella was free so I could rehearse with her over some lines.

@drealempress: Well she's busy so bye! And you Gabriella! I didn't add anything about you saying you're an Empress to the script so don't say it!

"Sheesh! Just a little improf."

@drealempress: No improfs in my book. For God's sake can't you guys just obey for once, just look at Andre, he's always obedient and nice towards me. Learn from him people, learn from him.

She turned to me and saw me with a tray of tomales as I devoured them with a mouth full.

Her eyes dilated in anger.

@drealempress: That's it! We're done! Till tomorrow! We'll shoot! Everyone! Take a day off! I'm done! I am going to my office and I am going to take my Starbucks frapucchino from my freezer.

"Oops, Empress." Scarlet called.

@drealempress: What?

"I took it." She said and showed her the empty cup of Frapucchino. "Sorry......"

@drealempress: (She inhaled heavily) That's fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine.

"Wow Empress, I'm impressed... See what I did there? Empress, impressed." She said and Scarlet laughed. "As I was saying, I'm impressed, it looks like that anger management class you're taking is really good for you. You're so calm and cool about almost everything."

@drealempress: Of course, I am actually the top of my class for your information.

"Oh wow." Andrea said and Scarlet snorted in mockery.

@drealempress: If you excuse, I'm going to take my other Starbucks at the back in my freezer.

"Oops, Empress." Scarlet called her again and she glared at her.

@drealempress: What?

"It's not in there.

@drealempress: Where is it?

"On your car."

@drealempress: My what?! Wait, on my car on in my car?

"On your car." Andrea said. "Literally. Actually all over your car. Jake and Wes were trying a new experiment at the top of the building and then BOOM! the machine exploded and the whole Starbucks landed on your car. That was this early morning right?" Andrea asked Scarlet.

"Yeah it was. Oh by the way, Empress? You got any more Starbucks?" Scarlet asked.


She shouted in frustration.


Thanks for reading
Don't forget to

I wanna say a big thank you to Min-crystal, thanks for your support recently.

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