Chapter 68: His Memories

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"So whose memories do you want to see first? Yours? Or his?" Little Eve asked me as she floated around me.

"His!" I answered instantly. I wanted to know what was wrong with him that he decided to make such a harsh decision of tearing off his wing. I wanted to understand him more so that I could help him.

"Then you shall see them." Little Eve snapped her fingers and the surroundings changed. That darkness dissipated into the particles of different colours. The different particles converged together and transformed into thin fibre like substance. Those fibres then weaved themselves together. I felt like I was watching the birth of a world.

The next moment, I was in front of a wooden house. I looked back and saw clouds floating around. I could see a few small and large islands above those clouds in the sky. From one of the island, water was falling into nothingness and it didn't take me long to realize that I was standing on one of those floating islands. I was sure that it was Eden- the world of angels. It looked so wonderful, but aside from a few things, most of it looked so blurred.

"So that's what Black meant by 'cloud' based," I remembered what Black had told me.

"Do you know where he was born?" Little Eve asked me while looking at that house.

"He said he was born in the wilds."

"So naïve. Are children born in orphanages?"

"Don't tell me he lied to me?" Little Eve didn't answer me but she passed through the door and entered inside. When I tried to touch the door, my hand just passed through. I walked through the door and looked around. Most of the things were hazy and I couldn't make out what they were. Then I heard faint sounds coming out of a room ahead. I walked to that room and peeked inside.

I could see two angels standing in front of a cradle. One was a man and the other a woman. Little Eve was standing behind that cradle and she hinted me to come in. I was hesitant.

"Don't worry. They're not real. It's just a memory."

When I heard that, my hesitation was gone, and I entered. When I went near the cradle, I realized that the faces of both of them were obscured and I couldn't see their features. It was funny how the important detail was blurry in the memory. I turned my head towards the cradle and saw a newborn with little silver hair on his head. He was wrapped up in a white cloth. His eyes were big and shining emerald green. His cheeks were chubby, and his toothless mouth was laughing. He was so happy.

That was my Black as a baby! He looked so cute! I tried to touch him, but my hand just went through him. Even though I knew that it wasn't real, it would be awesome if I could just hold the newborn Black in my arms. I could then tease him later.

Just then, the expression of baby Black changed. He became expressionless, and it looked so odd. His shining eyes lost their shine. He emitted a black aura from his little body and his parents took a few steps away from the cradle. After that brief moment, everything returned to normal once again.

"Black too was born like every child does. But when his parents realized he was a bloodthirsty, they decided to leave him in the wilds."

Those thin fibres made of particles dissipated like smoke and once again weaved themselves together to create the next scene.

This time, I was in a forest. A forest so dense that even light could hardly find its way out of the leaves and branches. I could hear voices, roars of so many beasts that my blood ran cold. Little Eve flew, and I followed her. After a few seconds, Little Eve stood beside a huge tree. Those two people were squatting down as they did something at the base of the tree. They left immediately. I walked there and realized that the tree was hollow. I peeked inside.

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