Chapter 41: Violet Lilies

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Some angels possess the ability to see memories of other life forms. Some could remove a few memories too. But that old bastard possessed a special ability. He could inject some memories into the subconscious mind. Moreover, the information he gave to others could not be altered, extracted or passed on.

In Eden, this ability was plainly useless. But at Gaia, this ability of his turned out to be more than useful. That old bastard provided the angels on Gaia a question, 'Do you know what happens when an angel spreads his wings?' and its answer, 'Eden knows'.

Only an angel may ask that question, and only an angel can answer that question. If someone else, for say demons, asks that question, the angel won't be able to reply the answer. If someone else could guess the answer by some means, they can never copy that feeling! It was complicated stuff.

Some demons could change how their origin looks and masquerade as angels. But this little ability of Don made the Gaia core absolutely immune to infiltration by demons. Unless they move to capture the Don himself and force him to submit, they can't mess up anything at Gaia core. But that's easier said than done. Old Don might look very old but by no means he is weak. He can surely last a few seconds against me.

Back to the point, for the improvement of security, Don allowed only a few higher angels could ask that question. I was one of the angels who could ask this question. Back then, I didn't think that I'd find a use of the old man's ability someday.

I would have to try some other means if the two kids hadn't met old Don before, but they did meet him and they did understand the significance of the words I spoke to them.

Their eyes shone. The little boy's eyes widened, and his pupils dilated. That girl had a milder reaction, but still surprise was written all over her face. I guess they both didn't expect a friend to pop out of nowhere to help them in their desperate times.

"So be good kids and let me help you out."

"Okay... Thank you so..." The boy was agreeing happily, but that girl put her hands on his shoulder and stopped him.

"Mister... Thank you for being generous but I think you shouldn't do this." By that time, the surprise on her face had faded. Solemness had taken over her face and she continued, "The demons following us are strong, very strong. In fact, you should go as far as you can from this city. Valerie is not safe for us anymore."

The boy's happiness vanished as if he realized something. Before I could say anything I heard the little boy murmur something I could unhear and ignore.

"Damn... Why did we fell in the same city where that monster fell? If not for him, we probably wouldn't need to worry about our life."

"Hey. Stop whining." The girl stopped her brother, but I could see that she still silently agreed on her brother's statement.

I was angry when I heard that boy... I hated to be called like that. I was a bloodthirsty and I had killed. But only demons. I had hurt. But only bad ones. Was that such a big deal? I kind of understand when demons call me like that, but it hurts when such small children say that too. But...

I must be out of my mind to still think of helping them.

If I look at it in a different way, that was the truth. The stupid demons had come to the city for me, not these kids. That was the fate of the people around me. The girl's ability was strong, but the demons that had come for me were even stronger... Even though it was indirectly, I did cause those two children harm... I consoled myself with such thoughts.

"Looking down on me, are you?" I asked. By no means, it was easy to continue on as if nothing happened. But I think I was always good at keeping things to myself. The anger I felt didn't appear on my face or voice. I sometimes wonder if disguising emotions was an ability I learned unintentionally, unknowingly. I guess I'll only know about it on the day I lose all my powers.

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