Chapter 33: A Goddess Is To Men

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"Are you asleep?" I asked in a low voice so that I won't disturb him if he was really asleep. Black had arranged the couch near the glass doors. He was laying below a red blanket. His face, partially covered by his hair, was towards the backyard. From where I was, I couldn't see if his eyes were open or closed.

"I'm asleep," Black replied in a silly voice and he turned his head towards me.

"Oh! Really?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeahh," Black said while looking at me right in my eyes. My Black was too shameless. He said it with such confidence that I would have believed him right away if I didn't know the truth myself. I remember how terrible liar he was when we first met.

"What are you doing here?" He quickly changed the topic.

"I couldn't sleep. Thought I should check on you."

"My angel is so caring."

"You don't like the new place. Huh?" I asked. The heater of my parents' room had malfunctioned. So he decided that my aunt should sleep in my room and he would sleep in the hall. My room was spacious enough. We could have tried to arrange his bed somewhere, but he didn't agree. He chose the hall room instead of the drawing room. The drawing room was at least warmer than the hall.

"It's good enough."

"Aren't you feeling cold?" The hall was on the verge of freezing. If he caught a cold again, he could only blame himself for being too stubborn. But I couldn't help myself from getting worried.

"Did you forget what I did on our date?" Black replied and grasped my cold hand. I could feel the heat radiating out of his hand, trying to melt my hand. I forgot that he could create heat too. I remembered how drained he was doing all that on that day.

"You are such a cheat character."

"I know right. I can sustain my own temperature forever," Black replied as if he had read my worries.

"Then why aren't you asleep yet?"

"You weren't here. How could I fall asleep so easily?" I just loved the way he flirted so innocently.

"Then how you used to sleep before you met me?"

"I didn't," Black replied as if he was waiting for me to ask that. He was looking in my eyes again. His words appeared well calculated, but still, I couldn't tell if he was saying the truth or if he was just messing with me. Was he trying to play the tragic card again?

"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Black asked. Without waiting for my reply, he curled his legs and slid down, making space for me to sit down.

How could I deny when Black was attacking me with that puppy stare? He appeared as if he'd cry if I denied.

"Your wish, my command. Master Black," I replied and gave him a classical bow. I only wished I had a hat with me so that my gesture of bowing down would look even better. I sat above his head with legs crossed so that they wouldn't feel cold. A blanket appeared behind me. It felt like an invisible figure was placing the blanket above me. I knew he was doing that, but it wasn't surprising anymore. He had too many tricks up his sleeves.

"That's not the right way. You should say like... like- 'the queen accepts the wish of her lowly slave' or something like that," Black said while I was adjusting myself to obtain the most comfortable place I could obtain on the couch.

The way he told said that was too funny. It cracked me up. "I'll never say that. I don't dare say that in front of the strongest angel," I teased him back.

"You should."

"Ugh.." I didn't pursue this matter. He couldn't force me to say it against my wishes. I made a mental note of calling him as master once again some other day. I'd like to see how he would stop me. I was thinking of all those things when he straightened his legs. He leapt towards me as if he was a frog. Before I could react, his head had fallen into my lap.

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