Chapter 57: Ruins

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I looked at that navy blue gemstone in my hand and wondered if I should try it... Try summoning my angel... He gave that gemstone to me on the day he professed his love. I was to summon him if something dangerous were to happen to me. I had kept this gemstone hidden in my closet like a treasure. I wouldn't say I was in a dangerous situation, but the stupid ache that sometimes silently creeps in my head appeared life-threatening.

I remembered his instructions. I only had to hold that small thing in my hand and think of 'summoning' him in front of me. I had no idea if it would work just by thinking about it.


What if it did work and he appears right in front of me? What was I supposed to say to him? How would I ask for forgiveness? I was ready to let go of my pride and beg, kneel or even grovel before him to appease his anger if he so wished. But I was still afraid of that non-existent probability that he will not forgive me and he will fly away once again. What if he might take this summoning stone from me? I was truly frightened. I found waiting for him a bit compared to the thought of watching him go away once more.

And... What if... What if the stone didn't work... What then?

My head was filled with anxiety and hesitation. Negative thoughts started to rumble around and after a while, I felt this sharp pain throbbing inside my head.

I took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm my mind. I let go of all those distracting thoughts and finally decided to be brave and take the first step, hoping that things would work out...

I clenched that gemstone in my right hand, as tightly as I could, and closed my eyes.

"Come, Black. I summon you," I whispered as slowly as I could, hoping my voice would not scare him away.

I felt heat coming out of that gemstone in my hand. Or perhaps it was my body heat that was going towards that gemstone. It was a very weird sensation.

I opened my palm to see that the gemstone was glowing faintly. The glow gradually became brighter as time passed. And before I knew, it became so bright that it appeared like a miniature bright star shining at night. It happened in a moment, but it felt like years had passed by.

The gemstone then floated up on its own and hovered in mid-air. I remembered that same thing had happened to my broken necklace back when he appeared in my college.

It was working!

I prepared myself to see my Black in front of me again. I prepared the apology in my head.

A magic circle ring-like thing, glowing in red, came out of the gemstone and it expanded, little by little. And my heart started beating faster and faster. But when that circle approached the size of that big clock in the living room, it cracked. Its outer surface cracked. The crack propagated from the periphery and extended towards the middle.

"No!" I screamed when I realized what was happening, but I was powerless to stop it from happening... That jerk gemstone didn't listen to my words.

It happened in a snap. Before I knew it, many cracks appeared on that magic circle and it broke like a glass... Just like that. Those shards started falling and when they touched the floor, they vanished, the same way his fallen feathers used to vanish after a while.

The blue gemstone dropped on the floor with a thud. Summoning was unsuccessful...

Why did this happen?

Did I make some mistake?

Or did he not want to see me?

I was wondering what I did wrong in the summoning, but the next moment, I felt all the power leave my body. I felt so tired all of a sudden. My powerless feet tumbled on the floor as I collapsed. I felt breathless, as if I had done a hundred-kilometre run.

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