Chapter 15: My Friend?

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"The weather is nice today, isn't it?" I asked while I drove my mustang. The weather was fantastic. Neither too cold nor too hot and slightly windy. The windows were down. I could feel the gentle winds blow past my hair as I drove. Those grey clouds hovering in the sky didn't let the sunshine fall on the ground.

Black was sitting next to me on the front seat. From the corner of my eyes, I saw that he was looking outside as if he was embracing the weather, but it was just deceit. His side of the window was closed. He just nodded when he heard me. I bet he was so lost again that he didn't even hear me completely. He wasn't crying, but his eyes still looked so lifeless as if he was dead inside.

The last time I saw some life in his eyes was when I had kissed him. My face got all red again as I remembered that time. The images of me holding his face in my little hands and that vibrant look in his eyes flashed in my mind. I could somehow still feel that kiss on my lips. My first kiss...

I slapped myself in my head, to bring me out of memories. That was not the right time to relish that sweet memory.

I let him alone in my room that day. I sometimes peeked inside to see how he was doing. Every single time the time he was just staring above at the wall.

I tried everything I could to change his expressionless face. I made the soup and like always, it was horrible. I nonetheless served it to him, hoping to see him react because of that bad taste. I thought he would vomit with the first gulp. But he didn't even flinch. I had to take it back by force. I later went out to get us some tacos.

We slept on the same bed at night. This time I forced him to stay in the room as I was afraid he'd go away. But he just turned himself away from me, looking outside the balcony. I was sure he didn't sleep the whole night.

Next morning, I came out of the bathroom in just a towel out of habit and Black saw me! It was his fault, not my mistake. He was so silent that I forgot about him for a moment. When he saw me, his face reddened and he let out a silly half-smile. After that, he closed his eyes and rushed outside. He was way too nice knowing he was the one who obsesses over me. If I were in his place, I'd surely have teased myself for a while.

That idiot went outside the balcony, shirtless! I quickly changed within two minutes. That was my personal fastest knowing I average to half an hour. I've always been bad at deciding. This time, I just wore whatever came in front of me.

"Come back in," I said loudly after I was done. He didn't reply to me. I went to the balcony after wearing both of my socks.

He was looking at the sky without blinking. I tapped on his shoulder, and he looked at me. Even though I was wearing a sweater and gloves, I could still feel the cold weather.

"Come back in. The temperature is too low today. You should get inside or you'll catch a cold."

"It's ok. I can always heal myself."

What was his problem? I know he was sad, but this time his stubbornness was too annoying. I turned to go back to the room.

"I'll be leaving today."

"What!? Where!?" I was shocked by his sudden revelation.

"I don't know."

"You can't go yet, Mister. You owe me a lot." I couldn't have let him go. Not with the way things were. He didn't owe me anything. But he didn't ask me what he owes me for. My eyes reached to the grass in the backyard that I hadn't cut for weeks. The timing of the idea couldn't be perfect. It would divert his mind and help me too.

"For repayment, you can start by cutting the grass and clearing the weeds from the backyard." I gave him a task so that it would divert his mind.

"Okay," He replied in a bland tone.

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