Chapter 42: Queen Of Lust

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That demon waved his right hand as he walked inside the alley, gesturing for us to follow him. I never minded it. Somewhere silent is always better than someone crowded. Both for mortals and me. It will save a lot of trouble after I'm done with these fools.

"Sir... Why are you smiling like that?" Jeanne said, just like Eve did before. It was getting hard to control myself.

The blood lust was acting up again. I had tried to bury my hatred for demons in my heart. But it had never died. Every time I saw these demons, it'd come out of its grave just like an undead being that refused to go to the afterlife. I took in deep breaths to calm my mind. I didn't want to lose myself to my rage again as I did in the morning.

"Just come with me," I said and walked forward. They didn't say anything further and followed me. I guess they had no choice. As I was near the alley, I halted.

I saw my Eve coming out of the car after keeping the groceries. She stood beside her car on the other side of the road. She looked around a bit. And the next moment, our eyes met. Even though we weren't separated for long, but in her eyes, I saw joy of seeing me again. It was funny how impatient she was. It was funny how easily I found my peace. Those bad thoughts of mine were like prey cowering in the fear of a predator. Her eyes were so magical.

"What's wrong?" Jeanne asked, wondering why I had halted. She couldn't see my Eve because of people blocking her sight.

I smiled at my Eve and shook my head. Hoping she would not follow me. The things that happen in dark shouldn't ever reach her. I'd never let them reach her.

"Nothing," I replied and walked inside the alley.

The alley wasn't too wide, but it wasn't too small either. It was empty, but I could sense the demon in yellow and his companions up ahead. I kept walking forward and turned right.

There that demon was, standing in the middle of that small path. The other two demons were nearby, but they didn't come out. Even though it was already dark, his side appeared to be a darker. That demon wanted to scare us, but such small tricks were useless to me. My eyes could see everything. He was looking down on us as if we were insects. It was just... too funny.

"Bring those kids here, sign a pact and be my servant. Or you can always get ready to die," he spoke it all slowly but sharply, perhaps fearing we won't understand it. Those kids behind my held my shirt, fearing I would really hand them over to the demon to save myself.

I didn't get from where this lowlife was getting his confidence from. If we look according to the ranking system, that demon, at best, belonged to higher A rank. At worst, he would be a lower A rank demon. And he still behaved like that. The new blood among demons surpass the old ones only in foolishness.

"I'd have to deny," I politely replied. I knew that being all nice with these demons will never work. There was no way that he would say something like 'Ok. You can go. Sorry for trouble'. But I still tried. I gave him a chance because I wanted to change. That was the first time I gave a demon a chance. Otherwise, I'd have beheaded him for his insolence.

That demon smiled and said, "Why are you so eager to die. I swear I don't treat my servants badly. In any case, the kids are coming with me. I'm tired after following them for so long."

"I'm afraid you can't even touch a single strand of their hair... Or mine."

The smile on his face disappeared, and anger replaced it. His expression changed too suddenly. I almost burst up laughing at his pitiful emotions flaring up for no reason.

"If you kneel and beg for forgiveness, I might think of letting you die a painless death," the demon said in a high tone. He then walked towards me. I guessed he wanted to fight me, but with bare hands? Wasn't he just too reckless?

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