thirty-two: my truth

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Today's the day...

"Patterson! Time to go." The CO knocked against the steel door of my cell, causing me to raise up from the bed I was laying in. I walked over to the door and the slot opened for me to push my wrists out, once I did, he slapped on the cold cuffs then called for them to opened up my door number.

As the door slid open before me, he gestured for me to step forward and head down the hallway that led down the stairs. Around me I could hear the knocking and banging of the other inmates, but in reality, I was now a pro at tuning it all out. That was the only way I protected my peace in here, I knew without a doubt that this wasn't the place for me; however, you were forced to adjust and fast. I couldn't imagine how it would be in prison because this right here was hell.

I prayed all night and even stayed up conversing with God. Although my actions weren't the best, I had my reasons and I had zero regret in my heart at this point. I did what needed to be done, I killed that sick and twisted man that I was forced to endure for so long.

I had tried my best to hold out much longer and it felt like a breath of fresh air to know that it was all, finally over.

The exit from the jail was pretty much the expected routine, strip search along with being read my schedule for today's hearing. After agreeing, I was escorted out to the prisoner transport vehicle. I was chained to the seats and locked behind another make-shift cell. I had ridden in it to get here and as far as I was concerned this was going to be the last and final time.

With the ride being so long and drown out, I ended up dozing off in the uncomfortable position that I sat in. Eventually, the banging of the cell-like door caused my eyes to flutter open. "We're here." the officer said, while putting on gloves before opening up the gate. I yawned while he proceeded to remove the chains that held me down. Once released I was able to rise to my feet and make my way down towards the entrance with one officer before and the other behind me.

As soon as my foot hit the pavement, the immediate flashing lights caught me off guard. My eyes began to struggle to see my way towards the entrance because all I could see were camera lights, all I could hear were reporters screaming my name and asking if I had anything to say. Before I could part my lips however, I felt the CO grab a hold of my arm and forcefully pull me into the back entrance of the courthouse.

I stepped inside and the officers did their job with checking me in. The receptionist read me what was in the schedule for today as well and I gave her a simple nod; getting tired of the runaround. All I needed right now was to focus on my story line, I knew that I had a horrible lawyer but if I could just make up a believable statement I would be out of these cuffs in no time.

"And before you head in, your lawyer would like to speak to you." she said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded, "that should be fine." I knew good and well that all he was going to do was try to force my hand and pleading guilty for the sake of this not going to trial. I knew that he couldn't handle this case even if he wanted to. I was a woman of color, in the United States of America. It was me against the world and no matter how hard he tried; he would never be able to understand where I was coming from. In his eyes, all he saw was the damage done by my family in the past along with how much of a risk defending me would be.

"Just through the hallway boys, third room on the right." she instructed the officers, then turned to toss my papers on top of the rest in the pile behind her.

The CO before me, knocked on the door instructed and within seconds the door opened. My brows furrowed at the sight of the younger black male that stood in the room, he removed his glasses and greeted me with a smile. "Mr. Harry Harvard." He outstretched his hand to shake mine, "come on in, please."

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