twenty-eight: new patient

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"It is too damn early." I complained after finally getting myself together for my appointment. Unfortunately, due to everything being so last minute, I was only able to hand an 8:30 AM appointment with an OBGYN halfway across town. I knew Miami wasn't going to be a permanent place for me which is the only reason why I went ahead, I figured a couple appointments wouldn't hurt.

By the look on Egypt's face, I knew I wasn't the only one. He let out a yawn as he grabbed the house keys and his phone, before glancing over at me. "You ready?" he asked, his voice still tired and raspy.

"Almost." I walked over to the refrigerator that was now more stocked than it was before, taking out the carton of strawberries and a bottle of water that I picked up last night. I washed them off and grabbed myself some napkins before heading to the door where he stood. "Now, I am."

"Hungry ass."

"What can I say? Baby's gotta eat." I flashed him a soft smile then headed out the door with him following behind.

While he locked up, I hit the button for the elevator, placing the sunglasses that sat on my head; over my eyes. I felt like shit, so I knew without a doubt that I looked it too. Thankfully, I had no one to impress out here. Egypt had already seen me at my worst, so this right here was nothing for me to worry about.

We made it down from our floor into the parking lot where Egypt had ordered car service from the building's amenities. While waited, I leaned against his arm, resting my head against his shoulder to get more comfortable. I don't know if it was nerves from finally having an appointment, or the fact that we've been eating out all week, but my stomach was going through quite a lot this morning.

"You alright?" he asked, wrapping his arm around my body and holding me close.

"Yeah, stomach's just hurting a little bit?" I sighed, "I think it's because I've been eating horribly lately. My body isn't necessarily used to it."

"I see," he rubbed my arm, "I'll be sure to cook tonight."

"Yes please."

"I've been feeling the same way as well, so I understand."

The car pulled up before us and he reached out to open the door for me, gesturing for me to get in. While I slid into my seat, he shut the door and walked around to get in on the other side. "Hopeview Medical Centre?" our driver asked.

"Yes sir." Egypt nodded, while shutting the door. "We got an appointment for 8:30, I'm not sure if there's a faster route..."

"Oh, not to worry. I got this covered." He looked over, "everyone strapped in?"

"Oh, yes." I put on my seatbelt while Egypt did the same, once we were set, he was off.

Normally, Egypt and I would talk each other's heads off, but this ride was very quiet. The fact that it was so early made it worse, the moment that car hit traffic was the moment my head hit the window and I was out like a light.

Egypt shook my thigh, waking me right out of the sleep I was currently missing. Through squinted eyes, I looked up and around at my surroundings. "Hopeview Medical Centre." Our driver announced. "I'll be parked up around the back, as you know; just use your app to let me know when you all are ready to leave."

"Sounds good," Egypt reached into his pocket and pulled out some money, folding it then handing it over to him. "Grab yourself a coffee or something to eat. You know how these doctors' appointments go."

"That I do," he laughed. "Thanks a lot man, you didn't have to."

"Don't mention it."

We both climbed out of the car and Egypt held onto my arm as I walked up towards the entrance. My walking was improvement tremendously, yet he still didn't want me to overexert myself when I didn't need to. I loved that patient side of him, and I believed it did help extremely with my recovery. I didn't feel forced, I was doing this because I wanted to and it made me so much more stronger than I was before.

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