sixteen: counselling?!

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"I'm really sorry about that Marshalls." I said, slapping hands with him, exchanging the amount of money he had paid for the night. "This is for the trouble."

We spent hours situating everything at the Hilton, before we made it back to see Marshalls.

The police had cleared up thankfully, Ariel had gotten away unfortunately but once we got there Marshalls explained everything. Apparently, Ariel had flipped on him for wanting another round which was odd because she knew he was a good payer. Marshalls claimed that she just didn't seem to be in the mood at all tonight, making his overall experience horrible in comparison to normal.

Hearing this about my business did really bother me, in fact it made me quite angry. My girls knew better, especially a girl from my top 10.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sorry about calling the police again... I just... never saw her like that. I didn't know what to do."

"Nah, no worries. I understand." I nodded, while walking him over to his car. "However, I believe it's best that we cut off our line of business here." Marshalls' stopped in his tracks, looking me over as if I just said I killed his family member. "As much as it hurts, you know the rule. My girls could've easily gotten in trouble over you calling the police. You and I have been working together for long enough for you to know, I'm the first person you call when problems like this arise."

"I.... I kn... bu-." He shook his head. "Come on, Pierre." He finally got out. "We're buddiessss... it was an honest mistake. I was in the moment and wasn't thinking. When the police came, I covered it up and just said I got into an altercation with my girlfriend and she went nuts. They left it there, no further explanations."

"Yeah but the fact that the police were called in the first place is what's not settling with me. You know they love to snoop around... I practically run this place after 10. Who knows what else they could've clued in on?"

"Yeah, I get what you're saying bu-."

"Marshalls, man. I genuinely appreciate you... but I can't. I simply cannot. You put my business in jeperody tonight and I just can't get over it."

"So, you're telling me that you've never made a mistake?"

"I'm not saying all of that now."

"Well it sure seems like it!" His face grew red, and he leaned against the car glaring right at me. "You know that I'm going through a lot and your girls help me take the edge off. Without this, I will go insane!" he continued, "is that really what you want? After all these years you're going to leave me hanging."

"I understand that, and I know my girls enjoy your company as well, but Marshalls... one of the top rules man!"

"And I covered your ass at the end of the day! It was a stupid mistake but like I said before, mistakes happen. I am only human and one that has done good by you for so long. I don't think it's gotta end like this."

"I gotta treat you like the others that have done the same..."

"No, you don't."

"I do."

"Pierre, come on man... I need this. For my sanity, it's the only thing I got right now."

"You got a lovely wife and three beautiful kids. Maybe it's just time you fix whatever it is you got going on with them an-."

"Oh no." he shook his head and wagged his finger at me. "Don't you go giving me advice young man. You do this for a living, so out of all people; I would never take advice from you."

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