Finral Roulacase: Only You

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It has been months. You ignored your family, ignored your duties as a crimson lion, the only person you've spent time with was Finral, and the Black Bulls. You didn't even go back to your home. You were scared you've heard royals talking about your wedding that it is Next week. You were upset you were crying,

"What's up little Lion?" Asked Captain Yami

You looked up at him, wiping your tears.

"I have to confess to Finral... he's going to know... I love him so much Yami." You cried

"What's wrong?" He asked

He sat down pulling a chair.

"About 3-4 months ago I went home... everyone of my family were sitting at the table with the Vaude family... they told me I was betrothed to Langris. My wedding is next week." You cried

He sighed,

"But I'm going to stand up! I don't want to marry Langris ! I fell in love with with Finral! Yami I-I don't think I can do this."

"Cmon kid... I think you should just follow your heart..."

"He doesn't even know that I'm a Royal... yami I'm a horrible person I don't think I would be to pull this off."

You stood up as Captain Yami did too. You were crying a lot.... Captain Yami pulled you into a hug.

"We have to go... there having a meeting, here I got you this Black Bulls Uniform.."

You wiped your tears and placed your uniform, you walked out with Captain, and noticed Finral, Asta, Noelle. She hugged you... she knew what you were going through a lot. You couldn't tell Finral anything. Soon the five of you were at Clover Kingdom. You were happy with Finral but you just wanted to live in the moment and be with him. You went to the meeting with Yami. You were having a blast talking to Finral as you were waiting for the captains to finish their meeting. You saw Yuno, Klaus, Mimosa, Leopold, Solid, Nebra, Langris. You ignored Langris for as long as you could. You were talking to Asta, Noelle, and Finral along with the rest Klaus, Yuno and Mimosa.

"Hey Sis !" Smiles Leopold

Your eyes widen, Leopold stood in front of you.

"Sis? Your a Vermillion?" Asked Asta

Finral was just looking at you with Shock,

"Yeah I'm-Finral Im a royal and I have to confess-"

"Oh look big brother along with my wife."

You looked to see Langris,

"Langris don't you dare !"

"So this is the man your supposedly in love with? My big brother..." scoffed Langris

You were getting angry... you held a cup of water and it was boiling. Everyone was looking at you and Langris.

"Your marrying my brother?" Asked Finral

"Not by choice... you think I want to marry a asshole like him!?"

Finral laughed a bit.

"Pardon me that's no way a lady should speak! You are to be my wife and our wedding is Next week!" Said Langris

Finral was hurt..

"How long have you known?" He asked

"Four months." She said

Finral was hurting he was heart broken. He really loves You.

"I'm surprised she fell in love with you.'I tried so hard over the years of me becoming Vice Captain I tried to win her... but In the end i Win I always do... no one could love a coward like you brother." Said Langris

You rose your hand and slapped him. Everyone was shocked.

"You will not speak to him like that! Even if you excel at Spatial Magic he will always be better then you... it's okay Finral I know you won't talk to me anymore that's okay... but I still won't marry you... if everyone would hate me for it ! I don't care I won't marry you Langris ! I don't love you! I fell in love with Finral Roulacase! You will not stand in front of me belittling the love of my life! If you do it again I swear all hell will break loose!" You said

Your fist were turning red, you were ready to punch the daylights out of Langris.

"Hey Cmon Y/n let's take a walk." Smiled Mimosa

"What's going on here?" Said a Captain

Everyone looks to see Fuegoleon and Captain Yami, along with the Golden Dawn.

"I was just telling my wife, about how much of a wimp my brother was-"

You punched him, Your were on fire... you really wanted to punch Langris and you did. Finral was shocked. Everyone was

"What is the meaning of this."

There was a crazed look in your eyes.

"Y/n you can't treat your future husband like that-"

"Stop! Stop stop stop!!!" You yelled

All of the extra people left. Except, Asta, Noelle, Langris, Finral, you, Captain yami, Leopold, Fuegoleon and the captain of the Golden Dawn.

"Hey flames I suggest you calm down" laughed Captain Yami

"I hate you Fuegoleon!!! I don't want to marry him I never will! I don't want to be your sister anymore ! " You growled

Fuegoleon looked shocked. Langris stood up

"Listen you stupid-"

Your flames went up. It looked like when Fuegoleon would fight.

"I suggest if you want to keep your tongue you shut it."

Captain Yami laughed. Fuegoleon was angry. He walked towards you and grabbed your arm. You both were having a stare down. You were also Showing your mana as he did too. It got scary.

"I love someone else! Finral Roulacase is the man I love! If that is not okay with you so be it. I will no longer be part of the Vermillion family."

Fuegoleon stared at his sister. She wanted to cry he could tell. He didn't like seeing her cry he never did.. he thought she would be happy with this idea but she wasn't.

"Fine you won't be marrying Langris."

You yanked your arm back. You looked at Finral who didn't even stare at you back.

"What's the point he doesn't care."

*time skip*

It had been a few weeks, Finral didn't talk to you. As you lived at him. You couldn't leave your room, you were just sad. A small knock was heard, you sighed going to open the door, once you did you saw Finral, he looked up at you and just stared at your figure. Before you can what he wanted he crashed his lips to yours

"I will never stop loving you" he said

You were happy. You loved him and nothing couldn't stop that.

"I only love you. Only you Finral." You smiled

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