Together Again?

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I was putting all the clothes and stuff in the bag then suddenly someone came into my room.

"Y/n! What did you say to Prince Nathan?!" My dad yelled at me.

I just looked and ignored him while kept putting my stuffs in the bag

"Y/n! I'm talking to you!!!" Dad started to grip my shoulders harshly.

"What did i say?! I don't understand!!"

"You tell him you love someone else!! What are you doing?! Are you crazy y/n?!"

"Yes! I'm crazy because of you! You make me like this!! You force me to meet that stupid prince!! I just...I don't know why am i living like this! I always ask myself, are you even my dad? There's nothing i want you to do, dad. I just want you to understand me and let me live my life happily! That's all i want..."my tears started flowed down to my cheeks.

I'm wearing Taehyung's big purple hoodie then cover my face.

"I will go to Korea and find Taehyung. Please dad....Just let me go this time..."

"Don't you ever dare! You will never meet him again! Or else you will regret it!"

"Try me dad.."

I dashed out from my room. I need to meet Taehyung! I can't live without him! I love him!

Seoul, South Korea, Hanam Dong.

I took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell with shaking hand.

After a few seconds, the door was opened by Namjoon. His eyes looked at me with hearted.

I know...He's still mad...

Suddenly he hugged me tightly. I was really Shocked until i almost choked myself!

"Y/n...I'm sorry....Jimin already told us everything."

"It's ok, Namjoon...I understand, you're mad at me because you worried about him. I know, you love him so much..."

"Y/n! Gosh! I miss you!!" Jin hugged me tightly as soon as I entered their house.

I received every hug from them. They looked very happy to see me.

"Err...Where's Taehyung?" I asked them.

"He didn't came out from the room for 3 days...We really worried about him..." Jungkook told me with sighed.

"What?! 3 days?!"

"Yeah...3 days. He only came out to eat and get shower..." told Jimin.

"My god! Is he ok? What happened actually?"

"Hmm...He's been like that since he found out about your story from Jimin." Hoseok told me and that's really shocked me.

"You should see him. Maybe he'll be ok?" Yoongi suggested.

I just nodded and walked to Taehyung's room.

I saw Taehyung lying on the bed while looking out the window.

"Tae.... It's me...I'm coming for you.."

"Y/n?! Is this really you?" Taehyung asked weakly then turned his body to look at me.

I nod my head with a smile and hug him tightly.

"I miss you so much..."

"I miss you so much too! Tae!" I looked at his pale face.

How i miss the old Taehyung...Seeing him like this makes me sad...

Taehyung held both my cheeks and kissed me. I put both my hands on Taehyung's neck to deepen the kiss.

When he break the kiss, Taehyung looked at me with a smile.

"I'm glad you're back. I can't live without you..." Taehyung kissed me again.

I don't want this moment to end...The moment where i can feel his love...

Hello guys! I'm so busy this lately! Argh! Please vote or comments if there's any grammar errors! Thanks!

His Princess || (kim Taehyung X Readers)☑️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя