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"Omg! Tae! Wake up! It's already late!!"

"5 minutes! 5 minutes ..."

"No! Wake up now!!"

I jumped from bed then run towrds bathroom to shower.

After finish showering, all the BTS members already eat their breakfast together including Taehyung.

I took the place next to Taehyung like always.

"Why you two look very tired?" asked Yoongi, while looked at both of us.

Don't blame me, Taehyung bring us home at 4 a.m!

"Huh? Really?" Taehyung replied.

"What did you guys do last night?" Asked Jimin.

"Jungkook?! Did you hear a weird sound last night?" Namjoon asked with a smirk.

"No....I didn't hear anything ..." Jungkook looked at us.

"Are you sure...You didn't hear any sound of moa...."Jimin was cut by Jin death glared.

"Namjoon! Jimin! Stob it!" Jin warned them.

"Taehyung, did you come out late again?" Asked Hoseok.

"Err...Yess...But I bring y/n too! We just eating!" Told Taehyung.

"Is it true? That two of you go out to eat?" Jin asked me.

"Yeah...We just ate delicious fishcake at the stall."

"Ok...But Taehyung, make sure not to go out at night again. It's dangerous!" Jin warned him.

"Ok hyung. I'm sorry..."

We all ate our breakfast. After that, all the BTS members have to get ready for dance practice.

"y/n ah! Sorry, we can't bring you."

"It's ok Tae ... I understand .."

"Take this money with you. You should go out and buy something you like!" Taehyung handed me the money.

"Tae...This is a lot..."

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Taehyung walked to his drawer and pulled out a box then handed it to me.

"What is this?"

"Open it..."

I opened the box and found it was an Iphone 11!!

I opened the box and found it was an Iphone 11!!

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"Tae ..." I hugged Taehyung excitedly.

"I love this!! I love purple!!"

"Glad you like it. You know what? I love purple too!!"Taehyung hugged me back.

"You already help me a lot. Thanks Tae..."

"Anything for you babe .." wait? Did I hear it wrong?

"Y/n...I know this is crazy. I know we just know each other for 1 week but i can't help myself. I think that...I love you.." Taehyung looked at me with his beautiful smile.

"Tae...I think...I love you too. I've never felt like this in my life."

Taehyung bring his face closer to me and kissed my lips. The kiss very passionate until I had to break the kiss.

"Tae...You're going to be late."

"Oh! I'm leaving now! See you babe!" He pecked my lips before leaving the room.

I gave my first kiss to man that I love. At least when I come back as a princess, I'm happy that i already share this kiss with someone that i really love...

Suddenly my tears fell to my cheeks.

I had to forget Taehyung when I came back as a princess again.

I'm sure Taehyung will hate me if he finds out that I'm a princess ...

It's ok, i rather be happy even this is just temporary...

I only had 6 days before i leave him...

I have to leave all the BTS members ...

I have to erased all this beautiful memories in Seoul...

Hello guys! Hahaha...Updating this story again...Please vote or comments if there's any grammar errors! Thanks!

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