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Gonna wright this here just in case someone doesn't know
Y/N your name
H/C hair colour
E/C eye colour
S/C skin colour
F/C favourite colour

(Also I am an Australian and will be spelling this in the Aussie way (mum, colour ex:))
"Y/N, I have breakfast" your mother called from the other side of the door. You finish buttoning up your green and grey blazer and slipped on your skirt. Looking into the living room you see Nina, scooping small balls of rice into three bowls.

Your house is tiny consisting of a small living room connected to a microscopic kitchen, all of your small family slept in the same room and it was a pain having one bathroom shared between three girls.

Scooping up breakfast was Nina, your older sister. She had bright green eyes and soft, long, blonde hair. She was 19 and studying Psychology to become a doctor. Having a dream quirk, and knowing how to use it can really be helpful in that profession. She left in the morning the same time your mother got home from work and got home when your mother got up to go back.

Your Mother's name was Maya and she looked almost identical to Nina, the only real difference being she was obviously older and hand a beauty mark under her right eye.

You were the odd one out in the house with your H/C hair and E/C eyes. You looked a lot more like your older brother and late father.

After stuffing half of the rice down you stood up and grabbed your bag.
"Bye Nina, Bye Mum."
"See ya sweetheart, have a good first day!" Your mother called as you ran out the door. Before you leave you place the leftovers of your breakfast next to the door to feed the old stray cat that lived behind the tiny house.


You were almost there when you felt a small shock of lightning hit your back, not enough to hurt you but just enough to scare you.
"Ahhh!? Jay!" You giggled seeing your brother.

Jay was a new hero, graduating hero school when you lived over in China and starting his career when you all moved here. His quirk was lightning. Your fathers quirk was Storm, being able to summon a thunderstorm. You and Jay got the two different elements of his quirk. Jay getting lightning and you getting Aerokinesis which you control with two small fans.

"What are you doing here?" You ask.
"What? Am I not allowed to walk my baby sister to her first day of school?" He pouted, patting you on the head, ruining your already messy ponytail.
"Jay... I'm fifteen not five"
"Still, villains could be anywhere."


"See ya" you part ways with your brother as you enter UA high.

Your home room class was easy to find since the name of the class plastered on the door in bold red letters.

Opening the door you are immediately met hit with a hectic vibe. A blonde haired boy was yelling at a smaller green haired student with a brunette girl trying to separate them, a small group three boy group was giggling in the corner at a pink skinned alien making funny assumptions about the angry blonde on the other side of the room, all the other students were either chatting or laughing with each other, all except one. At the back of the class was a red and white haired student, he had his head resting on his forearms and looked almost asleep.

You tap him on the shoulder and he looks up with large, heterochromic, tired eyes. You end up staring for longer then you mean to, around his left eye was a large faded burn scar they you could seem to pull your eyes away from.
"Can I help you" he said in a bitter monotone voice, snapping you out of your daze.
"Oh um, could I sit there?" you reply ponting at the seat next to him. He nods and put his head back into his arms. As you sit you see a dark haired man in a yellow sleeping bag crawl into the classroom.
"Alright students listen up."


The rest of the day was uneventful other then a start of year test where one of your classmates whose name you learnt was Izuku Midoriya, broke his hand with his own quirk.

"Y/N!!!!" you flinch and your name was called at the gate outside of school. Everyone looked over at your brother who was waving his arms.
"Is that pro hero Thunder?" you hear a few students say as you hide your face in your hair but your embarrassing brother caught up to you fast.
"Good afternoon my baby sister, how was your day sweetheart" he yelled purposely trying to embarrass you now.

Eye of the Storm //Shoto Todoroki x Depressed reader//Where stories live. Discover now