Helping her

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Everyone stood around looking at a still rather confused Destiny.
"Are you sure you are alright?"
"Yeah, but why do all of you look terrified?"
"Destiny you almost died."
"But I didn't. What about the creature?"
"It is gone. We think we killed it but we aren't sure."
"You're not sure?"
"Once we knew it let go of the ship we left."
"Maybe it is dead." Destiny said, she looked at them, she wasn't sure if she should tell them she still sensed the creature. It wanted what she had and it was determined to get it even if it meant killing everyone on the ship to get to her.
"Let's hope so. Because I don't think the ship could handle another attack and I have a feeling neither can you." Ray said to Destiny.
"Being part of the powers I have is an empath. I can tell if it's nearby but it attacks my mind and I can't handle it again." Destiny told them. Her head snapped toward the side of the ship. Sara noticed her change in body language.
"Destiny, what did you sense?"
"It was more a feeling than anything else. Something angry, like something just appeared and has allot of evil."
"You're sure?"
"Yes, maybe it's nothing but I will try and keep my feelers out."
"Not too much Des, last time you did you ended up with a bloody nose." Ray told her.
"I know. I am hoping I am just over reacting. I am going to lay down." She said turning and walking out of the room. Ray looked at the others but it was Mick that said something.
"You best make sure you keep an eye on her haircut."
"I will." Ray said heading toward his quarters.

Destiny stepped into the room, a pain shot through her head as if someone had stabbed her in the head. Closing her eyes, she kept herself from crying out as she moved further into the room. But the further into the room she moved the more intense the pain got.
"Yes Destiny?"
"Help me."
"I will summon help." The voice answered. Destiny had dropped to her knees and held her head. Mick was the first as he saw Destiny on the floor, scooping her up he passed everyone heading to the med Bay. Ray was confused as he hurried behind him.
"What the hell happened?" Ray asked.
"No idea she was kneeling on the floor holding her head."
"Something is attacking her, Miss Queen's blood pressure and heart rate are dangerously high. I have administered something to bring both down but she will remain in stasis until we find out what is causing it."
"She woke the last time."
"She was sedated before, she is in stasis this time. I will do a scan of the ship." Gideon said to them. Ray looked down at Destiny, even in stasis he could see the pain in her usual soft features. Sara walked up and put her hand on his arm.
"We will figure this out."
"I hope so, I can't lose her Sara."
"I know." She said to him. Ray looked at Destiny and sat down.
"Ray you can't do anything for her right now, let's go find out what she thought was out there."

Lost Love * A Ray Palmer Fanfic* Where stories live. Discover now