Finding the her

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Ray was trying to be quiet as he followed behind the rest of the team, he looked around, on edge for some unknown reason. Most of the time he kept up with everyone but this time something just felt off.
"Why do you keep slowing down?"
"I don't know." Ray answered looking a head and following them, he jumped when someone touched his arm. He turned and caught a young woman as she passed out in his arms. He looked down at her face as he moved her hair, something about her looked familiar but he wasnt sure.
"Uh guys we have a problem."  Ray called out to the others
"Where did you find the girl?" Rory asked coming back to him.
"She found me. But I am guessing by the way she's dressed she isnt from here."
"Looks like she's been hurt, let's bring her back to the Waverider maybe we can help her out and find out who she is."
"I have a suspicion of who she might be but I have to check back on the ship."
"Alright, well maybe she's the anachronism that was detected."
"Well if so we didn't bring her here."
"No kidding. Let's get back to the jump ship."

Ray stood in the med bay looking at their guest and then down at the picture in his hand. Nate looked over his shoulder at it and then at the girl.
"So who is she?" He asked him
"Destiny." Ray answered absently.
"Are you sure?"
"Gideon did you confirm identity?"
"Yes Dr. Palmer. Destiny Queen, reported missing by Oliver Queen.  Has never been found."
"She's Oliver Queen's sister?"
"Not really Destiny carried the Queen name because on paper she was Oliver's daughter."
"She has to be your age."
"A few years younger but yes. Oliver said he did it to give her a family. He only had his sister, loosing Destiny hit us both hard."
"Destiny and I were engaged to be married. When I was approached to join the team I discussed it with Oliver and he said that Destiny wouldn't want me to just stop living so I decided to come along."
"What are you going to tell her when she wakes up?"
"I have no idea. I thought she was dead. I have done everything in my power to fill the void that was left because she was gone."
"Has it worked?"
"Not really. As you can see. I have no idea what I am going to tell Oliver."
"Did Captain Lance know her?"
"For a time yes. I don't know if she knows that is who is here now."
"Captain Lance has been notified of our guests identity."
"Thank you Gideon." Ray looked down at Destiny and turned when he saw Sara enter the room.
"We are going to have to let Oliver know."
"How exactly are we going to explain she was in the in the 1890's England?"
"No idea. We need to see if she remembers anything first."
"Good idea. Sara what am I going to tell her?"
"See if she remembers anything first before filling in the blanks. You staying with her?"
"Yeah." Ray told her. Sara turned and motioned for the others to leave him alone.
"Any major injuries Gideon?"
"A few broken bones that had healed a concussion. And her right arm has a hairline fracture."
"So she should wake up soon?"
"As that I am unsure Dr. Palmer. I will monitor her if you wish to step away."
"I'm not going anywhere." Ray sat down and watched Destiny sleep.
He started to fall asleep when he heard her moan, his eyes snapped open and he looked at her.
"Destiny." He said to her, her emerald green eyes looking into his brown eyes. He could see the confusion in her eyes.
"Do I know you? And who is Destiny?"
Ray looked at her and wasnt sure what to say to her.
"Gideon inform Sara Destiny is awake."
"I will notify Captain Lance she is awake."
Destiny looked at him, he tried to give her a reassuring smile.
"I promise your safe here."
"You called me Destiny, is that my name?"
"Yes, Destiny Rae Queen."
"How do we know each other?"
"Before you disappeared you and I were due to be married."
"Your father's last name. My friends last name."
"You know my family."
"I know that family. Oliver adopted you, gave you a home and brought you off the streets. Please remember me."
"I'm sorry I don't. Maybe soon." Destiny said to him. Sara stood in the doorway and listened to the exchange, she didnt want to overwhelm Destiny with more information. Ray sat down again looking at Destiny, he hoped he hadn't totally lost her.

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