A new threat

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Ray had stopped by the med bay again to find Sara and Mick standing near the bed.
"Hey." He said softly walking up to them. Ray turned to see his friend come in, Nate put his hand on Ray's shoulder.
"Still dont know what is causing it?"
"Not a clue, but even in stasis I can see pain on her face, whatever it is it has attacked her subconscious."
"Have you tried waking her?"
"Nate, it's been two weeks. I've been afraid to wake her. Her vitals are stable and I am afraid if we wake her they will skyrocket."
"Yes Dr Haywood."
"Slowly bring Destiny from stasis please."
"As you wish."
They looked and watched as Destiny's breathing quickened and her heartrate increased. She opened her eyes and looked around, Ray looked into her eyes and stepped back.
"Ray what's wrong?"
"Yeah haircut? Oh that." Mick said looking into Destiny's blood red eyes.
"Destiny." Ray said tentatively, her head turned and her eyes landed on him again.
"Yes?" She asked tipping her head.
"Are you alright? What is the last thing you remember?" Ray asked, Destiny looked down and then back at him.
"Pain. Why?"
"Why did you have pain?"
"Something attacked my mind. Something evil has come on the ship." She said to him, as she did the pain shot through her head causing her to scream in pain.
"Gideon." Sara said as they reached for Destiny. Suddenly they all flew backwards away from her as she threw them back. Nate moved forward and his entire body became steal as he held her down.
"Gideon return her to stasis."
"Yes Dr. Haywood."
Nate held her in place until he felt her body relax and then moved back away from her.
"What the hell was that?"
"Good question, I've never seen her do that. Gideon are there any anomalies on or around the ship?"
"I will do a scan Dr. Palmer."
Ray looked at Destiny and then turned and rushed to his lab. Everyone turned and followed him there.
"I am going to work on something. Gideon."
"Yes Dr. Palmer?"
"I need a blood sample from Destiny."
"Right away." Gideon answered.
"I will be a while." He said looking at the others. They left him alone to work on what he was doing. Ray looked at his table and nearly threw a beaker across the room. He had no idea what to do as he finally sat down.
"Damn it." He said almost growling.
"What's the matter Raymond?"
Ray looked around to find where the voice had come from.
"Whose there?"
"You're worried about your lady. I can help her."
"I can help her. I will help her."
Ray turned and left the room, he headed back to the med bay, he stopped when he saw Mick sitting near where Destiny lay.
"Hey kid, he is trying to find a way to help you. But maybe you can give him a hand. I like our chats, dont tell anyone, its fun having someone around again." Mick said, Ray backed up and headed back to his lab. He was more determined now to help her. He began writing and looking at her blood work.
"Gideon are you certain this is Destiny's blood?"
"Yes Dr. Palmer."
Ray looked at the blood sample again and then turned and ran from the room.
"Haircut, what's wrong with you?"
"I know what's wrong with Destiny."
"And that is?"
"That thing still has a hold of her."
"It never left it's still attached to her."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Gideon, scan Destiny for unknown pathogens."
"Yes, Dr. Palmer. "
Ray moved hair from Destiny's face, as he watched her breathe."
"I have found something Dr. Palmer."
"What is it?"
"It seems something was left from her encounter with the creature. Its buried deep in her spine."
"How are we getting it out?" Ray asked talking out loud.
"What was that Dr. Palmer?"
"Nothing Gideon." Ray answered, he had no idea how to in a way to set her free. Nate stood in the doorway and could see his friend seemed almost lost.
"How about I try and help you."
"I don't even know what to do. I don't want her to live in stasis forever."
"Then let's find out." 
Ray nodded and looked down at Destiny, he just got her back, now she was just out of reach.
"I'll work on something, give me a couple hours then come down to the lab."
Nate touched his arm and nodded.
Ray headed down to his lab, Nate looked down at Destiny.
"Hey let's not die. I just met you and it seems Ray loves you allot."

Lost Love * A Ray Palmer Fanfic* حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن