Helping her Remember

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"Destiny I can show you some pictures if you like."
"You have pictures?"
"Whole albums, of us and you with Oliver."
"I'd like that. I would love to have a past."
"I want to give you one, but I don't want to overwhelm you."
"Was this Oliver a nice man?"
"He cares very deeply for you. He is the father you needed, you were the daughter he needed."
"I wish I could remember. When did we meet?"
"2014, I owned a technology company. I designed a suit, you were so proud of me when it worked."
"It sounds interesting. May I see the photos?"
"Sure. Come with me." Ray held out his hand to her, Destiny took it. She was still very unsure but she wanted to know, she needed to know.

Ray picked up the books and brought her to the kitchen where he could spread them out. He looked up at her as he handed her the first book and knew it would be allot to take in.
"If you have questions, come down that hallway you will find me there."
"Ok thank you." Destiny said to him. Ray waited a moment and then turned to leave her alone.
"Can you stay?" She asked suddenly. Ray stopped and looked at her, and gave her a reassuring smile.
"If you would like me to I can."
"Sure." Ray sat down near her at the table, she had the albums out in front of her.
"Try this one first." He said handing it to her. She looked down at the book and opened it, the first picture was of her with him and another man.
"That's Oliver." Ray told her.
"We look happy. So he's my dad?"
"Yes. He was who introduced us. At first it was just as friends but it bloomed from there. Then you came up missing, Oliver and I spared no expense looking for you, but we couldn't find you. It was like you had dropped off the planet, and it seems it was more along the lines you left the time period. I'm sorry." Ray said to her, his voice laced with sadness.
"It seemed you did what you could. I just wish I could remember you."
"Remembering your past or at least who you are would be wonderful. We could work are way back to you knowing me. I can wait for the rest, I've waited this long."
"You've waited?"
"We never found a body, Oliver had me go with these guys when they recruited me. Said if you were found he would contact me. I guess it's the other way around I have to let him know you've been found."
"Can you wait?" She asked.
"For as long as you need. Destiny you are and were the love my life and I can wait for as long as you need." Ray said touching her hand.
"Thank you." She said. Ray looked up as Sara walked up to them.
"Hi Destiny."
"I'm Sara. We met a long time ago. I'm a friend of your dad's."
"Don't worry, its not that bad. I remember the day he announced that he had adopted you, many of us looked at him strange because you were no child."
"Yeah, you were in your early twenties, he had given you the offer and you were happy to have a family, you didn't want money you wanted someone to care."
"And he did?"
"Very much. When you disappeared he fell apart. It was like part of him was gone. I hadn't seen him like that since he had lost his best friend."
"How did he lose his friend?"
"He was killed. Oliver had lost allot of family over the years and to lose you and to see the look on not only his face but that of Ray it was hard to see that anyone would ever do this. When Ray said he found someone and Gideon told me your identity I notified Oliver that you had been located but without your memory you were not ready to return home."
"Alright." Destiny seemed confused by the revelation that now this Oliver knew she was alive. A man she didn't know knew she was alive. Ray stood and held his hand out to Destiny.
"Come on I'll show you around." Destiny took his hand and allowed him to lead her away from the others.
"I think you scared her."
"I think I might have. Probably not the best idea to have figured out how to send a message to Oliver about Destiny."
"Was she in her twenties when he adopted her?"
"Yeah. It was something he had discussed with her but she never really thought he would do anything, she had been living with him since right after he returned to Star City. He had found her beaten on the street right after he picked up the mantel of the arrow. She was terrified and he was the only person that had showed her kindness even the cops didnt treat her nicely."
"Wasnt your dad a cop?"
"Yeah he is. But even then there was only so much he could do. Oliver took it upon himself to save the city."
"I've read about him. Give her time she will remember herself."
"I hope so. She had powers."
"She had what?"
"Well has but I am guessing without her memory she can't access them."
"Telekinesis, she was great with it as long as her emotions didnt get out of hand. If they did she could do allot of damage."
"What kind of damage?"
"Last time she lost control she took out half a city block before Ray was able to calm her down."
"Oh that's not good and shes on an enclosed ship."
"And she's calm right now let's try to get her to stay that way."
"Ray will keep her calm."
"She doesnt know Ray."
"From everything I have seen Sara, she feels safe with him."

Ray walked down the halls with Destiny, he had released her hand and walked beside her while she looked around. He waited for her to ask questions. He stopped when she turned and looked at him, she reached up and touched his face.
"You have kind eyes." She said to him. Ray smiled and looked into her emerald green eyes.
"And yours are beautiful. Do you have any questions?"
"No, thank you for everything today."
"You're welcome. Are you tired?"
"Alright. Come with me." He said leading her to his quarters, once he knew she was asleep he headed out of the room.

Lost Love * A Ray Palmer Fanfic* Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon