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A darkness is polluting my mind,
The questioning glances I receive,
When told of the dark voice.
My mind is fogged with laughs and giggles,
Of when I told of my darkest thoughts.

I feel trapped in an oceans of hopelessness.
The thoughts of no one being there are like gigantic waves.
They pull me below until I see the sharks of suicide swimming towards me.
It's a constant fight,
Trying to get air from the top,
Only to be dragged down again.
I am trapped in an endless loop, it feels.
A loop that I beg will one day release it's cold grip on me.
The only island i can see for miles,
Is the one I see when I scratch and cut away at my skin.
Oh how I long for the feeling,
The feeling of the small pricks of blood escaping.
Though the smell attracts the sharks,
I don't see another reason to keep away from them,
I look towards the island and long for it.
The voice clogging up my mind,
It refrains me from thinking of anything else.
How i hate having to put an sos on the island,
Only for a helicopter of hope to see me.
I drop back into the ocean for them to pick me up.
Only for them to fly away.

The loop continues from there.

Down The Rabbit HoleWhere stories live. Discover now