Each Day

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Each day another reason.
Each day more stress.
Each day.. I give up a little more.
I don't know what to do I feel so lost and I don't even know why all I want to do is scream and cry and I don't even know why.
I just want to go to sleep and not wake up. I just want to cry but I can't and I don't know why.
I just want to cry and cry and cry and cry but no one would care enough to help me. I don't understand I stay up so late helping someone and letting them vent to me but the second I need them they turn their back on me.
I'm just so scared that someone's gonna leave me again.. I don't want to get attached to anyone.
I just can't deal with anymore physical and mental pain my body keeps on giving me every single day I have a headache and every single day it lasts as long as possible.
I can't deal with the voice in my head that everyone's telling me to just stop it from talking but I just fucking can't and I don't control it I wish I did but it's basically taken control of my life and now it feels like I just obey and follow its commands and please I just want someone to fucking help me I can't stand this shit any longer.

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