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I got blamed for everything. Every argument. I was blamed, I wouldn't even have to start the argument and I would get blamed. It's always just because I voice my opinion. They get mad, my friends. I'm always the one everyone turns against, my best friend however let me vent to her after the argument but.. She wouldn't help me during it while everyone insulted, ridiculed, and hurt me.. Then someone new got added, someone I've argued with in the past and don't fully trust. I had an argument with them (voicing my opinion and asking questions), and my best friend snapped at me during the argument. So did my other friend. I notice how people at first will be on my side, see how everyone is starting to snap at me and before everyone can snap at them, they start getting mad at me too.. I feel so alone all the time and they wonder why I get so mad at them so easily. The friend that joined in at first was on my side then went on to call me immature. I don't understand. Does my opinion just suck that much?

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